On the banks of Bayou City : the Center for Land Use Interpretation in Houston / edited by Rachel Hooper and Nancy Zastudil.
Titre et auteur:

On the banks of Bayou City : the Center for Land Use Interpretation in Houston / edited by Rachel Hooper and Nancy Zastudil.


Houston : Blaffer Gallery, the Art Museum of the University of Houston, Cynthia Woods Mitchell Center for the Arts at the University of Houston, 2009.


126 pages : color illustrations ; 22 cm

Published as a companion piece to the exhibition "Texas oil: landscape of an industry," held at the Blaffer Gallery.
Includes 4 fold-out pages.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 123-126).
Amidst a petrochemical wonderland : points of view along the Houston Ship Channel -- CLUI opens field office in Houston : Gulf States logistics site supports programs in region -- On residence, in place : Matthew Coolidge in conversation with Bree Edwards -- A different kind of splendor : John Reed in conversation with Katherine Veneman -- Conceptual sketches for SIMPARCH/CLUI Platform -- Collaborations and inventions : Patrick Peters in conversation wit Steven Stelzer -- All eyes on Houston : Erik Knutzen in conversation with Erin Elder -- Panoramic photographs of Buffalo Bayou / by Geoff Winningham and "zero--Buffalo BayouStudio" -- Splintering past onfiction : Mat Johnson in conversation with j. Kastely -- Oil : a force of nature and a force of man : Steve Rowell in conversation with Scott Barnes -- Induction and intuition, on the Center for Land Use Interpretation's methodology / essay by Rachel Hooper -- The Center for Land Use Interpretation chronology.

Documents the research and activities conducted by the artists-in-residence of the Center for Land Use Interpretation (CLUI) directed at the city of Houston, Texas.


9780941193436 (paperback)
0941193438 (paperback)


Center for Land Use Interpretation.
Landscape assessment.
Cultural landscapes Texas Houston Metropolitan Area (Tex.)
Paysages Évaluation.
Cultural landscapes.
Cultural landscapes Texas Houston Region.
Texas Description and travel.
Texas Descriptions et voyages.
Houston Region (Tex.) Description and travel.


Exhibition publications.

Vedettes secondaires:

Hooper, Rachel, 1980-
Zastudil, Nancy, 1979-
Center for Land Use Interpretation.
Blaffer Gallery.
Sarah Campbell Blaffer Gallery


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 261240
Cote: BIB 192253
Statut: Disponible


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