At the crossroads of American photography : Callahan, Siskind, Sommer / Keith F. Davis, Susan Krane, Britt Salvesen and Claire C. Carter.
Titre et auteur:

At the crossroads of American photography : Callahan, Siskind, Sommer / Keith F. Davis, Susan Krane, Britt Salvesen and Claire C. Carter.


First edition.


Sante Fe : Radius Books ; [Scottsdale] : in association with the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, [2009]


149 pages : illustrations ; 29 cm

Catalog of an exhibition held at the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, January 31-May 13, 2009, and other places.
Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, Jan. 31-May 13, 2009 and other places.
Includes bibliographical references.
Introduction / Susan Krane -- Triangulating an era / Keith F. Davis -- Points of intersection / Britt Salvesen -- The plates -- Chronology / Claire C. Carter -- Catalogue of the exhibition.
Dust jacket.

"At the Crossroads of American Photography examines the aesthetic interrelationship of three photographers who helped define the course of American photography: Frederick Sommer, Harry Callahan and Aaron Siskind. Although each has been honored with individual museum retrospectives, this is the first full comparison of their work and exploration of their robust, prescient exchange of ideas about photography, abstraction and metaphor. Self-taught as photographers, they helped shape a national community of peers and the evolution of photography as an art form. They are the bridge between the purity of Group f/64-era photography at mid-century and the hybrid approaches to the medium seen today. These men, whose professional friendships span 25 years, were dubbed the "holy trinity" of American photography. This exhibition and publication highlight the powerful role of such camaraderie in shaping photography at this pivotal time, before the emergence of a market for photography and before widespread artistic acceptance of the medium. It brings to light contrasting philosophies of the artist/photographer's role (influenced by existentialism for Siskind and by the writings of Spinoza for Sommer); the interest in chance as an artistic process; the expressive potential of photographic 'found' objects and 'collage'; experimental abstraction; close affiliations with "fine art" movements (New Bauhaus, Abstract Expressionism and Surrealism); and changing attitudes toward the fine-print tradition." --Publisher's description.




Callahan, Harry M. Exhibitions.
Siskind, Aaron Exhibitions.
Sommer, Frederick, 1905-1999 Exhibitions.
Callahan, Harry M., 1912- Expositions.
Siskind, Aaron Expositions.
Sommer, Frederick, 1905-1999 Expositions.
Callahan, Harry M.
Siskind, Aaron
Sommer, Frederick, 1905-1999
Callahan, Harry M. 1912-1999
Sommer, Frederick 1905-1999
Siskind, Aaron 1903-1991
Siskind, Aaron (Photograph)
Sommer, Frederick.
Photography, Artistic Exhibitions.
Photography United States History 20th century Exhibitions.
Photography, Artistic.
Photographie artistique.
Photographie États-Unis Histoire 20e siècle Expositions.
Photographie artistique Expositions.
art photography.
Fotokonst Förenta staterna 1900-talet.
Fotografi Förenta staterna 1900-talet.
Fotografer Förenta staterna 1900-talet.
United States


Exhibition catalogs.
exhibition catalogs.
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

Davis, Keith F., 1952- writer of supplementary textual content.
Krane, Susan, writer of introduction.
Salvesen, Britt, writer of introduction.
Carter, Claire C., contributor.
Callahan, Harry M., photographer.
Siskind, Aaron, photographer.
Sommer, Frederick, 1905-1999, photographer.
Davis, Keith F., 1952-
Callahan, Harry M.
Siskind, Aaron
Sommer, Frederick, 1905-1999
Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, host institution.
Radius Books, publisher.
Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art

Callahan, Siskind, Sommer


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 261458
Cote: BIB 192468
Statut: Disponible


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