Signs of the city : metropolis speaking / edited by Stefan Horn, Rudolf Netzelmann & Peter Winkels.
Titre et auteur:

Signs of the city : metropolis speaking / edited by Stefan Horn, Rudolf Netzelmann & Peter Winkels.


Berlin : Jovis Verlag Gmbh, 2009.


176 pages : illustrations (some color), color map ; 28 cm

"Initiated and organised by Berlin-based metropolitan art organisation Urban Dialogues"--Colophon.
"House of World Cultures"--Colophon.
Introduction. Open the house : collaborations between odd couples / Peter Winkels ; Signs of the city : metropolis speaking / Stephan Horn ; Thinking beyond Signs of the city : an introduction and a digression on culture and European citizenship / Uta Staiger ; Going Europe / Rudolf Netzelmann ; Signs of the city : network map -- Workshops. The workshops : introduction / Britt Hatzius ; Campbell works : Neil Taylor and Harriet Murray work with students of Wilhelm-von-Türk-School in Potsdam ; The Barcelona experience / Javier Rodrigo, ArtiBarri Network ; Construct your own sign : Diego Ferrari works in the House of World Cultures, Berlin ; Walking, talking, photographing : London Workshop with artist Melissa Bliss ; London East : workshop by Douglas Nicolson in conjunction with SPACE Studios in London ; Map of signs : workshop with Martin Ruge, Berlin with KIM Vocational College (Oberstufenzentrum) ; Freestyle Berlin : workshop by Britt Hatzius and Stephan Horn with students from Zukunftsbau, Berlin ; The young people and their place in the city : point of view and history : an overview of the local project in Sofia by Velislava Donkina, Milkana Lazarova, Ivan Kiruanov and Andrei Rashev, Atelier for Free Associations -- LAB2 : Barcelona. Exchange programme : 6-10 October 2008 in Barcelona -- Exhibitions. Barcelona ; Berlin ; London ; Sofia -- Pictures -- Conference. Signs, my city, dialogues : twenty-first century urbanism from the rational to the relational / Michael Keith ; Attention! : Signs of the city between automaticity and conscious / Kristin Veel ; The subjective side of the objective : media pedagogy looks at Signs of the city / Franz Josef Röll ; Impressions from the conference / Andrew McIllroy -- Evaluation. Project evaluation / Alison Rooke.

This fifteen month youth art project explores the sign systems of four of Europe's cities - Barcelona, Berlin, London and Sofia by employing digital photography, new media, and helped by thirty professional artists in various workshops.




City and town life Pictorial works.
Signs and symbols Pictorial works.
Vie urbaine Ouvrages illustrés.
Signes et symboles Ouvrages illustrés.
City & town planning architectural aspects.
Architecture and Planning.
City and town life
Signs and symbols
Signs and signboards England London Pictorial works
Signs and signboards Spain Barcelona Pictorial works
Signs and signboards Germany Berlin Pictorial works
Signs and signboards Bulgaria Sofia Pictorial works
City and town life Europe Pictorial works
Photography of youth


illustrated books.
Illustrated works
Pictorial works
Ouvrages illustrés.

Vedettes secondaires:

Horn, Stefan, 1968-
Netzelmann, Rudolf.
Winkels, Peter.
urban dialogues (Organization)
Haus der Kulturen der Welt

Metropolis speaking


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 264934
Cote: BIB 196364
Statut: Disponible


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