A history of architecture : settings and rituals / Spiro Kostof ; revisions by Greg Castillo ; original drawings by Richard Tobias.
Entrée principale:

Kostof, Spiro.

Titre et auteur:

A history of architecture : settings and rituals / Spiro Kostof ; revisions by Greg Castillo ; original drawings by Richard Tobias.


Second edition / revisions by Greg Castillo.


New York : Oxford University Press, 1995.


792 pages : illustrations, maps, plans ; 29 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
The study of what we built -- The cave and the sky : Stone Age Europe -- The rise of the city : architecture in Western Asia -- The architecture of ancient Egypt -- Bronze Age cities : the Aegean and Asia Minor -- The Greek temple and "barbarian" alternatives -- Polis and Akropolis -- The Hellenistic realm -- Rome : caput mundi -- The world at large : Roman concurrences -- The triumph of Christ -- The Mediterranean in the early Middle Ages -- The birth of nations : Europe after Charles -- The French manner -- The urbanization of Europe -- Edges of medievalism -- The Renaissance : ideal and fad -- Spain and the New World -- Istanbul and Venice -- The popes as planners : Rome 1450-1650 -- Absolutism and bourgeoisie : European architecture 1600-1750 -- Architecture for a new world -- Architectural art and the landscape of industry -- The American experience -- Victorian environments -- The trials of modernism -- Architecture and the state : interwar years -- The ends of modernism -- Designing the fin-de-siècle.
Dust jacket.

"No mere survey of famous buildings, Kostof's History examines an inclusive spectrum of manmade structures: prehistoric huts and the TVA, the pyramids at Giza and the Rome railway station, the ziggurat and the department store. Indeed, Kostof considered every building worthy of attention, every structure or shelter a potential source of insight, whether it be the prehistoric hunting camps at Terra Amata, or the caves at Lascaux with their magnificent paintings, or a twenty-story hotel on the Las Vegas strip. The Second Edition features a new concluding chapter, "Designing the Fin-de-Siecle," based on Kostof's last lecture notes and prepared by Castillo, as well as an all-new sixteen-page color section. Many of the original line drawings by Richard Tobias, as well as some fifty photographs, have also been updated or replaced, for improved clarity."--Jacket.


0195083792 (pbk.)
9780195083798 (pbk.)


Architecture History.
Architecture Histoire.
História da arquitetura.



Vedettes secondaires:

Castillo, Greg.
Tobias, Richard, illustrator.


Localisation: Bibliothèque study room 119357
Cote: ID NA200 REF; ID:95-B1831
Statut: Disponible


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