Writings on cities / Henri Lefebvre ; selected, translated, and introduced by Eleonore Kofman and Elizabeth Lebas.
Entrée principale:

Lefebvre, Henri, 1901-1991.

Titre et auteur:

Writings on cities / Henri Lefebvre ; selected, translated, and introduced by Eleonore Kofman and Elizabeth Lebas.


Cambridge, Mass, USA : Blackwell Publishers, 1996.


vi, 250 pages ; 24 cm

Translated from the French.
Translated from the original French.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Part I Introduction. -- 1 Lost in Transposition-Time, Space and the City. -- Part II Right to the City. -- 2 Preface. -- 3 Industrialization and Urbanization. -- 4 Philosophy and the City. -- 5 Fragmentary Sciences and Urban Reality. -- 6 Philosophy of the City and Planning Ideology. -- 7 The Specificity of the City. -- 8 Continuities and Discontinuities. -- 9 Levels of Reality and Analysis. -- 10 Town and Country. -- 11 Around the Critical Point. -- 12 On Urban Form. -- 13 Spectral Analysis. -- 14 The Right to the City. -- 15 Perspective or Prospective? -- 16 The Realiziation of Philosophy. -- 17 These on the City, the Urban and Planning. -- Part III Spaces and Politics. -- 18 Introduction. -- 19 Institutions of a Post-technological Society. -- Part IV Interviews. -- 20 No Salvation away from the Centre? -- 21 The Urban in Question. -- Part V Elements of Rhythmanalysis. -- 22 Seen from the Window. -- 23 Rhythmanalysis of Mediterranean Cities.

"The work of Henri Lefebvre - the only major French intellectual of the post-war period to give extensive consideration to the city and urban life - received considerable attention among both academics and practitioners of the built environment following the publication in English of The Production of Space. This new collection brings together, for the first time in English, Lefebvre's reflections on the city and urban life written over a span of some twenty years.
The selection of writings is contextualized by an introduction - itself a significant contribution to the interpretation of Henri Lefebvre's work - which places the material within the context of Lefebvre's intellectual and political life and times and raises pertinent issues as to their relevance for contemporary debates over such questions as the nature of urban reality, the production of space and modernity."--Pub. desc.


0631191887 (pbk.)
9780631191889 (pbk.)


Lefebvre, Henri, 1901-1991.
Cities and towns.
Sociologia urbana.
Cidade (sociologia)

Vedettes secondaires:

Kofman, Eleonore.
Lebas, Elizabeth.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 120500
Cote: ID HT153.L4; ID:96-B486
Statut: Disponible


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