Automatic cities : the architectural imaginary in contemporary art / Robin Clark ; with an essay by Giuliana Bruno.
Entrée principale:

Clark, Robin (Robin Lee)

Titre et auteur:

Automatic cities : the architectural imaginary in contemporary art / Robin Clark ; with an essay by Giuliana Bruno.


La Jolla, Calif. : Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, ©2009.


160 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 25 cm

"Published on the occasion of the exhibition Automatic cities: the architectural imaginary in contemporary art, on view in La Jolla, California, from September 26, 2009 to January 31, 2010"--Title page verso
"Published on the occasion of the exhibition Automatic cities: the architectural imaginary in contemporary art, on view in La Jolla, California, from September 26, 2009 to January 31, 2010"--T.p. verso.
Includes bibliographical references.
Foreword / Hugh M. Davies -- Acknowledgments / Hugh M. Davies, Robin Clark -- Lenders -- Automatic cities: the architectural imaginary in contemporary art / Robin Clark -- Construction sites: fabricating the architectural imaginary in art / Giuliana Bruno -- The artists / texts by Robin Clark : Michaël Borremans, Matthew Buckingham, Los Carpinteros, Catharine van Eetvelde, Jakob Kolding, Ann Lislegaard, Julie Mehretu, Paul Noble, Saskia Olde Wolbers, Sarah Oppenheimer, Matthew Ritchie, Hiraki Sawa, Katrín Sigurdardóttir, Rachel Whiteread -- Exhibition checklist -- Artist biographies, selected exhibition histories, selected bibliographies -- Board of trustees -- MCASD staff -- Image credits.

"Automatic Cities explores the psychological and metaphorical influence of architecture on contemporary visual art. The title of the exhibition refers to the Surrealist practices of automatic writing and automatic drawing, which sought to access individual creativity by tapping into the unconscious. The exhibition explores notions of architecture in the broadest sense, comprising images of sites and cities both built and unbuilt, rising from collective experience and imagination." "Automatic Cities includes works by 13 artists and one artists' collective hailing from 11 countries around the globe including Michael Borremans (Belgium); Matthew Buckingham (New York); Los Carpinteros (Cuba); Catharina van Eetvelde (Paris, born Belgium); Jakob Kolding (Berlin, born Copenhagen); Ann Lislegaard (Copenhagen, born in Norway); Julie Mehretu (New York, born Ethiopia); Paul Noble (London); Sarah Oppenheimer (New York); Matthew Ritchie (New York, born London); Hiraki Sawa (London, born Japan); Katrin Sigurdardottir (U.S., born Iceland); Rachel Whiteread (London); and Saskia Olde Wolbers (London, born Netherlands)."--Jacket




Art and architecture Exhibitions.
Architecture in art Exhibitions.
Art, Modern 21st century Exhibitions.
Art et architecture Expositions.
Architecture dans l'art Expositions.
Art 21e siècle Expositions.
Art and Design.
Architecture in art.
Art and architecture.
Art, Modern.


Ausstellung La Jolla (Calif.) 2009.
Exhibition catalogs.

Vedettes secondaires:

Bruno, Giuliana.
Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 264247
Cote: BIB 195592
Statut: Disponible


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