Art and text / [edited by Aimee Selby].
Titre et auteur:

Art and text / [edited by Aimee Selby].


London : Black Dog, ©2009.


279 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 29 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
pt. 1: Essays. The Schwitters legacy : language and art in the early twentieth century / Will Hill -- Think again / Charles Harrison -- Turning the whole thing around: text art today / Dave Beech -- pt. 2: Text. Doug Aitken -- Richard Artschwager -- John Baldessari -- Mel Bochner -- Monica Bonvicini -- Ian Breakwell -- Stefan Brüggemann -- Claus Carstensen -- Also Chaparro -- Martin Creed -- Russell Crotty -- Jeremy Deller -- Hamish Fulton -- Matthew Higgs -- Mustafa Hulusi -- Richard Long -- Mario Merz -- Simon Morley -- Matt Mullican -- Simon Patterson -- Raymond Pettibon -- Jack Pierson -- Ed Ruscha -- Ward Shelley -- Paule Sietsema -- Bob & Roberta Smith -- Andy Warhol -- Lawrence Weiner -- Carey Young -- pt. 3: Context. Adel Abdessemed -- Bank -- Simon Bedwell -- Mark Bijl -- Freee -- Jules de Balincourt -- Mel Bochner -- Claire Fontaine -- Nathan Coley -- Martin Creed Adam Dant -- Peter Davies -- Sam Durant -- Liam Gillick -- Felix Gonzalez-Torres -- Guerrilla Girls -- Susan Hiller -- Alfredo Jaar -- Barbara Kruger -- Jakob Kolding -- Guillermo Kuitca -- Sean Landers -- John Latham -- Glenn Ligon -- Simon Linke -- Ken Lim -- Jonathan Meese -- Aleksandra Mir -- Jonathan Monk -- Matt Mullican -- Sirin Neshat -- Walid Raad -- Jason Rhoades -- Bob & Roberta Smith -- Nancy Spero -- Mark Titchner -- Donald Urquhart -- Gordon Young -- pt. 4: Semiotext. Doug Aitken -- Art & Language -- Tauba Auerbach -- John Baldessari -- Simon & Tom Bloor -- Ian Breakwell -- Victor Burgin -- Anne-Lise Coste -- Peter Downsbrough -- Gary Hill -- Joseph Kosuth -- Barbara Kruger --John Latham -- Simon Patterson -- Kay Rosen -- Martha Rosler -- Robert Smithson -- Joanne Tatham & Tom O'Sullivan -- Lawrence Weiner -- Christopher Wool -- Cerith Wyn Evans -- pt. 5: Textuality. Vito Acconci -- Fiona Banner -- Robert Barry -- Mark Bijl -- Xu Bing -- Mel Bochner -- Claus Carstensen -- Adam Chodzko -- Hanne Darboven -- Jeremy Deller -- Douglas Gordon -- Jens Haaning -- Gary Hill -- Roni Horn -- Svetlana Kopystiansky -- Simon Lewty -- Glenn Ligon -- Hayley Newman -- Simon Patterson -- Daniel Pflumm -- Tom Phillips -- Olivia Plender -- Jaume Plensa -- Simon Popper -- Richard Prince -- Ugo Rondinone -- Allen Ruppersberg -- Carolee Schneemann -- Jeffrey Shaw -- Catherine Street -- Joanne Tatham & Tom O'Sullivan -- Cy Twombly -- Cerith Wyn Evans -- Carey Young.

This volume covers the development of the textual medium in art from the early combinations of text, lettering and image in the work of seminal artists such as El Lissitzky and Kurt Schwitters right up to the present day. The use of written language has been one of the most defining developments in visual art of the twentieth century. The use of text can be seen in some of the most avant-garde artwork of the twentieth century; René Magritte and dadaist artists used it to describe anti-art and anti-aesthetic sentiment. The work of some of the most famous conceptual artists of the 1960s began to use written language as an artwork in itself. Artists such as John Baldessari, Lawrence Weiner and Bruce Nauman, who are still today some of the world's most respected artists, helped push the boundaries of what constitutes art at the time and it has continued to develop since that period. The expansive Art & Language group of artists and theorists, including Joseph Kosuth, also reconsidered the possibilities of "linguistic art."


9781906155650 (hbk.)
1906155658 (hbk.)


Language and languages in art.
Art, Modern 20th century.
Words in art.
Letters in art.
Writing in art.
Avant-garde (Aesthetics)
Langage et langues dans l'art.
Art 20e siècle.
Mots dans l'art.
Lettres (Genre littéraire) dans l'art.
Écriture dans l'art.
Art, Modern.
Konst 1900-talet.
Ord i konsten.
Skrift i konsten.
Art, Modern 21st century.

Vedettes secondaires:

Selby, Aimee.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 264916
Cote: BIB 196347
Statut: Disponible


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