Sol power : the evolution of solar architecture / Sophia and Stefan Behling ; in collaboration with Bruno Schindler ; foreword by Sir Norman Foster.
Entrée principale:

Behling, Sophia.

Titre et auteur:

Sol power : the evolution of solar architecture / Sophia and Stefan Behling ; in collaboration with Bruno Schindler ; foreword by Sir Norman Foster.


Munich ; New York : Prestel, ©1996.


240 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 32 cm

"A publication for the READ Group (Renewable Energies in Architecture and Design)."
Includes bibliographical references (pages 238-239).
The need for change -- Learning from natural systems -- Responsive solar buildings -- The first solar structures -- Solar cities -- Architecture for the agricultural age -- Architecture for an industrial age -- Changing architecture for a sustainable world -- The European charter for solar energy in architecture and urban planning.
Also issued online.
Dust jacket.

"Sol Power is a dramatic, fast-moving voyage from the dawn of civilization to the 21st century, celebrating and reminding us of the importance of the sun. The book is designed as an exciting progression of photographic images that begins by briefly surveying the origins of all earthly sources of power, showing them, in all forms, to be derived from the sun. Through photosynthesis the sun gives life to trees; trees form the fossil fuels, coal and oil. The sun is essential in the formation of wind, rain, and tides, all of which can be converted into usable energy." "The authors show how, from the very earliest forms of constructed dwellings, buildings have been designed to make maximum use of the power of the sun: houses designed to enjoy the heat of the day and religious buildings oriented towards the brilliant morning light. The book demonstrates how some architects, especially during the modern period, lost sight of the importance of taking local conditions and energy availability into account. Others continued to explore the "solar traditions". The book illustrates some of the most famous examples of solar buildings, including Crystal Palace in London and the modern Design Centre in Linz." "Today, building in an energy-conscious, responsible way has become a necessity. Sol Power confronts the issues of current wastage of the world's resources caused by poor, uninformed design, and sets out positive and exciting ways in which solar-oriented architecture can lead to energy-conscious buildings. It encourages the use of renewable energies when designing the buildings of the future, and the closer collaboration of all construction industries involved."--Jacket




Architecture and solar radiation.
Architecture et rayonnement solaire.
Energie solaire.
Architecture History.
Architecture and solar radiation History.
Solar energy History.
Solar buildings

Vedettes secondaires:

Behling, Stefan.
Schindler, Bruno.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 109996
Cote: ID NA2542.S6.B43; ID:96-B1632
Statut: Disponible


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