Jeff Wall / Thierry de Duve, Arielle Pelenc, Boris Groys.
Titre et auteur:

Jeff Wall / Thierry de Duve, Arielle Pelenc, Boris Groys.


London : Phaidon Press Ltd., ©1996.


160 pages : color illustrations ; 29 cm


Contemporary artists

Includes interview with Jeff Wall.
Includes bibliographical references (page 160).
Interview / Arielle Pelenc and Jeff Wall -- The Mainstream and the Crooked Path / Thierry de Duve -- Life without Shadows / Boris Groys -- Pensees, 1658 (extract) / Blaise Pascal -- Troubles of a Householder, 1919 / Franz Kafka -- Gestus, 1984 / Jeff Wall -- Unity and Fragmentation in Manet, 1984 / Jeff Wall -- Photography and Liquid Intelligence, 1989 / Jeff Wall -- An Outline for a Context for Stephan Balkenhol's Work, 1988 / Jeff Wall -- A Guide to the Children's Pavilion (a collaborative project with Dan Graham, extract), 1989 / Jeff Wall -- The Interiorized Academy, 1990 / Jeff Wall -- Representation, Suspicions and Critical Transparency, 1990 / Jeff Wall -- Restoration, 1994 / Jeff Wall -- About Making Landscapes, 1995 / Jeff Wall.
Also issued online.
British Library not licensed to copy 0.
Dust jacket.

Jeff Wall is foremost among the artists who since the late 1960s have brought photography to the forefront of contemporary art. This revised and expanded edition of the definitive monograph on the Canadian artist, first published in 1996, includes a new fully illustrated essay on Wall's recent work by the French historian of art and photography Jean-Fran+ois Chevrier, in addition to the artist's recent writings. Describing himself as 'a painter of modern life', Wall produces huge transparencies mounted onto light boxes which diffuse a brilliant glow through his photographs of contemporary urban scenes and 'constructed' social situations. These images employ the latest technology to create tableaux which are evocative of subjects ranging from Hollywood cinema to nineteenth-century history painting. When installed they evoke both the seduction of the cinema screen and the physical presence of minimalist sculptures. Wall engages at a sophisticated level with theories of representation both as an artist and as a theoretical writer on contemporary art and culture. Major surveys of his work have been presented at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago (1995); the Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume, Paris (1995); the Whitechapel Art Gallery, London (1996), and the Mus+e d'Art Contemporain, Montreal (1999).

Publisher website



Wall, Jeff, 1946-
Photography, Artistic.
Photographie artistique.
art photography.
Artistic photography.


Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Photography, Artistic.

Vedettes secondaires:

Wall, Jeff, 1946-
Duve, Thierry de.
Pelenc, Arielle.
Groĭs, Boris.
Contemporary artists.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 206447
Cote: TR140.W187 J4 1996
Statut: Disponible


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