Uncontrollable beauty : toward a new aesthetics / edited by Bill Beckley with David Shapiro.
Titre et auteur:

Uncontrollable beauty : toward a new aesthetics / edited by Bill Beckley with David Shapiro.


New York : Allworth Press : School of Visual Arts, ©1998.


xxiv, 423 pages ; 24 cm


Aesthetics today.

Includes chapter by John Hejduk.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Generosity and the black swan / Bill Beckley -- Preface / David Shapiro -- Le livre est sur la table / John Ashbery -- On perfection, coherence, and unity of form and content / Meyer Schapiro -- Enter the dragon: on the vernacular of beauty / Dave Hickey -- Beauty and morality / Arthur C. Danto -- Beauty and the contemporary sublime / Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe -- Notes on beauty / Peter Schjeldahl -- Contratemplates / Marjorie Welish -- A sign of beauty / Robert C. Morgan -- On Platonic cosmetics / Jacqueline Lichtenstein -- Freud with Kant? The enigma of pleasure / Hubert Damisch -- Arousal by image / David Freedberg -- Doctor lawyer Indian chief: "Primitivism" in Twentieth-century art at the Museum of Modern Art in 1984 / Thomas McEvilley -- On "Doctor lawyer Indian chief ..." / letters by William Rubin and Kirk Varnedoe with a reply by Thomas McEvilley -- On "Doctor lawyer Indian chief": part II / a letter by William Rubin with a reply by Thomas McEvilley -- On the claims and critics of the "Primitivism" show / Kirk Varnedoe -- The practice of beauty / James Hillman -- Ode to Willem de Kooning / Frank O'Hara -- Venus unveiled: De Kooning's melodrama of vulgarity / Donald Kuspit -- The mind and body of the dreamer / John Yau -- Mondrian's secret / David Shapiro -- A conversation between Julia Kristeva and Ariane Lopez-Huici / Julia Kristeva and Ariane Lopez-Huici -- Sunday afternoons: a conversation and a remark on beauty / Louise Bourgeois -- Sentences on the House and other sentences / John Hejduk -- Aunts / Max Fierst -- On beauty / Kenneth Koch -- An aesthetic of the cool / Robert Farris Thompson -- The violet hour: an essay on beauty / Carter Ratcliff -- Beauty is the mystery of life / Agnes Martin.

"Debates on the role of beauty in twentieth-century art and culture"--Back cover.


1581151969 (paperback)
9781581151961 (paperback)


Aesthetics, Modern 20th century.
Art criticism.
Esthétique 20e siècle.
Critique d'art.
art criticism.
Aesthetics, Modern
Estética (arte)
Crítica de arte.
Art, Modern 20th century Philosophy.


Art criticism
Critiques d'art.

Vedettes secondaires:

Beckley, Bill, 1946-
Shapiro, David, 1947-
Hejduk, John, 1929-2000
School of Visual Arts (New York, N.Y.)
Aesthetics today.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 179187
Cote: N66.U53 (ID98-B1650)
Statut: Disponible


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