The American home : material culture, domestic space, and family life / edited by Eleanor McD. Thompson.
Titre et auteur:

The American home : material culture, domestic space, and family life / edited by Eleanor McD. Thompson.


1st ed.


Winterthur, DE : Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum ; Hanover, NH : Distributed by University Press of New England, ©1998.


viii, 323 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
"Appearance and effect is everything" : the James River houses of Samuel, Joseph, and George Cabell / Marlene Elizabeth Heck -- Racial equality begins at home : Frederick Douglass's challenge to American domesticity / Sarah Luria -- Manufacturing and marketing the American bungalow : the Aladdin Company, 1906-20 / Scott Erbes -- Household encounters : servants, slaves, and mistresses in early Washington / Barbara G. Carson, Ellen Kirven Donald, Kym S. Rice -- Everyday life on a Berkshire County hill farm : documentation from the 1794-1835 diary of Sarah Snell Bryant of Cummington, Massachusetts / Jane C. Nylander -- The Madisons at Montpelier : a presidential duplex in the Virginia Piedmont / Conover Hunt -- Own your own home : S.E. Gross, the great domestic promoter / Emily Clark -- Standard of living in the seventeenth-century Chesapeake : an archeological perspective / Dennis J. Pogue -- The evolution of the house in early Virginia / Jan K. Gilliam -- "In the middle of this poverty some cups and a teapot" : the furnishing of slave quarters at colonial Williamsburg / Martha B. Katz-Hyman -- "They are very handy" : kitchen furnishings, 1875-1920 / Olive Blair Graffam -- The wealth of a rebellion that was : the material culture and domestic space of Bacon's rebellion in Virginia, 1677 / John H. Sprinkle, Jr. -- Safety and danger in a Puritan home : life in the Hull-Sewall house, 1676-1717 / Marion Nelson Winship -- Race, realism, and the documentation of the rural home during America's Great Depression / James C. Curtis -- Scrapbook houses : a late nineteenth-century children's view of the American home / Rodris Roth.
Dust jacket.

First presented at the 1992 Winterthur Conference of the same name, the fifteen essays herein explore the material culture, history, and essence of the American house and home. The essays span the period from the mid seventeenth to the early twentieth century and address a variety of topics. Invaluable commentary from a presidential family, plantation masters and mistresses, a Puritan husband, a doctor's widow, servants, slaves, children, and many others offer a vivid picture of the true meaning of home life during the four-century period.


0912724498 (cloth)
9780912724492 (cloth)


Aladdin Company.
Prefabricated houses United States.
Bungalows United States.
Bungalows United States History.
Bungalows États-Unis Histoire.
Prefabricated houses
Maisons préfabriquées États-Unis.
Bungalows États-Unis.
Culture matérielle États-Unis.
United States



Vedettes secondaires:

Thompson, Eleanor McD., editor.
Thompson, Eleanor McD.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 200973
Cote: NA8480.A6 1998
Statut: Disponible


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