The value of design : design is at the core of what we teach and practice / Phoebe Crisman + Mark Gillem, editors.
Titre et auteur:

The value of design : design is at the core of what we teach and practice / Phoebe Crisman + Mark Gillem, editors.


Washington, D.C. : ACSA Press : Distributed by Assoc. of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, ©2009.


viii, 850 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm

Papers from the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture's 2009 Annual Meeting, held in Portland Oregon.
Includes bibliographical references.
Architectural history and the studio -- On the vicissitudes of history, theory and practice / Sarah Deyong -- Walking Nolli: cartography and choreography as a study abroad introduction / Peter P. Goche [and others] -- Designing history an integrated studio approach / Anne G. Mooney, Thomas R. Carter -- studia-studio / Marc J. Neveu -- Designing in history at Taliesin / Sidney K. Robinson -- Architecture as a vessel for values -- Retail value: culture, consumerism and the architectural diagram / Jason E. Nguyen -- Meaning ... architecture / Randall Teal, Darin Harding -- Collage: an open aesthetic for art and architecture -- Re-making the exquisite corpse studio / Federica Goffi -- The coincidence of fragments: architecture, poetry, Cubism, and unexpected endings / Ron Jelaco -- Inside the hollow core: re-assembling the undone city / Dennis Maher -- The world made flesh: spatial tales of origin as collage in the name of the surveyor, the nomad, & the lunatic / Peter Waldman -- Design abstraction and building construction -- Agent provocateur -- BIM and the design studio -- questioning roles of abstraction and simulation in design education / Michael A. Ambrose -- Materials precedent: the typology of modern tectonics / Gail Peter Borden -- Abstract and literal practices: building envelope durability / Kiel Moe -- Designing with the craftsman' eye/building with the artist's conscience: a design/build experiment / Stanley R. Russell -- Design curriculum design -- Teaching for transfer: fostering transmission of knowledge between classroom and studio / Donald E. Armstrong -- Performance-based directives in architectural studio-based education: methods and studio project outcomes in sustainable architecture and design / Daniel Faoro, Janice Means -- A case for drawing / Francis E. Lyn, Ron Dulaney, Jr. -- Hidden values: habituated dispositions / Kenneth Warriner.
Emerging technologies: the ethics of digital design -- The aesthetics of green and the embedded diagram / Jason Griffiths -- The disappearing architect: 21st century practice and the rise of intelligent machines / Frank Jacobus -- Reconsidering the ethics of transparency / Kristina Luce, Nicholas Senske -- Digital space and analog place: a shared reality / Mark Morris -- Group effort -- successful collaborative design / Cumulative collaboration: a case that makes the case for design by collective / Brian F. Davies, Audrey de Filippis -- Constructing mental landscapes / Terry Surjan, Meredith Baber -- How long can you tread water? -- Environment by design / Penelope Dean -- Mercy mercy me (our ecologies) / Ellen Grimes -- Value created through operative practice: catalytic affordable housing and legislation / John Folan, Mary Hardin -- Landscape metaphors, ecological imperatives, and architectural design / Brook W. Muller, Kaarin E. Knudson -- Indeterminacy: design-build as refection-in-action -- Life size: environmental knowing through full-scale installations / Mark Cabrinha -- Material, method and place; architectural investigations through making / Timothy Gray -- Material, procurement, and the academy: ethics and value in a culture of displacement / John E. Folan -- Design-build: multi-disciplinary learning beyond the university / Oliver Neumann, Annalisa Meyboom -- Materials matters: making architecture -- Material regionalism: Vorarlberg's sustainable timber construction tradition / Ulrich Dangel -- Embedded sensations: material, technology and the scales perception / Luis E. Boza, Matthew L. Geiss -- Collapsing the material and the haptic: explorations of Japanese architecture and design / Suma Pandhi -- Tumbling units: tectonics of indeterminate extension / Kentaro Tsubaki -- "Rebar": making the ordinary-extraordinary / Anthony Viscardi.
Modeling and the architectural imagination -- Practice nouveau / Penelope Dean -- Larger than life: immersion and imagination in the not-so-small worlds sustainable by scale / Donald Kunze -- Models as mumbo-jumbo / Mark S. Morris -- More out of less: the value of resourcefulness in design -- Initiative reCOVER: building schools for tomorrow / Anselmo Canfora -- Reclaiming the pace and the place: learning from the quilter / Magdalena Garmaz -- Regionalism and necessity: a proposal for community buildings in rural Uganda / Stan G. Guidera, Christopher Hill -- Salvation Army Urban Garden: the interstitial space / Susan Molesky -- Open session on history/theory -- The beginnings of environmentalism: the Schlesische bund für Heimatschutz and public housing in Silesia / Deborah Ascher Barnstone -- WIKI-tecture: architecture, value, and the digital age / Doug Jackson -- Louise Bethune FAIA, the first woman member of the AIA: the politics of her acceptance in the AIA / Johanna Hays, James V. Strueber -- Open session on housing and urbanism -- Approaches to affordable housing design: science, art, communication and strategy / Nadia M. Anderson -- Prefabrication and the postwar house: the California manifesto / Matthew W. Fisher -- Symbiosis: the second wave / Stanley R. Russell -- Open session on pedagogy -- History as index and discipline in design pedagogy / Benjamin Flowers -- Charter school patterns of innovation: a new architecture for a new education / Pamela Harwood -- Aesthetic collaborations / David Salomon -- Collaboratively crafting a unique architecture education through MODEL assessment / David K. Dirlam, Scott R. Singeisen -- Pedagogies of study abroad -- Hey Guigo, may I borrow your ladder? / Paul R. Battaglia -- Venturi effect / Matt Burgermaster -- Learning at the crossroads / Gulen Cevik -- Visible cities: a theoretical approach to Rome (the Waterloo Rome Program) / Tracey Eve Winton.
Sustenance in architecture: making as re-making -- Over-the-Rhine: a predicament of place on the road to carbon neutrality / Ted Christian -- Feeding Lady Architecture's fire on Berlin's Museum Island / Annette Homann -- Toward the silence of sustainable practice: critical erasure in architectural reuse / Gregor Kalas -- Sowing seeds of diversity: the influence of sustainability on adaptive reuse / Mark Kessler -- Why no one can be against sustainability: traversing the fantasy of sustenance reveals a surprisingly universal topology of desire / Donald Kunze -- Next-use architecture: durability, serviceability, adaptability / Kiel Moe -- ecoMOD3 -- the SEAM house: preservation as social and environmental justice / John Quale -- Teaching technology as design -- Teaching by observation informs structure (T.O.I.S): digitally fabricated models for structural education in architecture / David J. Thaddeus, Nicholas Ault -- Leveraging technology: with or without the buy-in of your school / Terri Meyer Boake -- Teaching integrated practice in a cross-disciplinary curriculum after two years / James Doerfler, Kevin Dong -- BIM and the charrette: technology and the design process -- results from the interdisciplinary course / Lee A. Fithian, Tamera L. McCuen -- Post-mortem: eight years of comprehensive design experiments and what comes next / Matthew W. Fisher, Thomas Leslie, Gregory Palmermo -- Making conventions speak / Kiel Moe -- The curtain wall in architectural education: technology, history and design / Scott Murray -- Fragmentation and interrogation as an approach to integration / Karl Wallick, Michael Zaretsky -- The "social" value of design -- Equipmentality and architecture: Samuel Mockbee and the Rural Studio / Maria Eugenia Achurra -- The New Orleans Studio: rebuilding the Broadmoor Community Center -- Learning from the Favelas: what informal settlements tell us about the dissemination of our knowledge / Fernando Luiz Lara -- People & place: communicating values in community development / Mira Locher, Keith Bartholomew -- Revising the American dream: making sustainable housing affordable by all / John Quale -- The fifth catastrophe / Linda C. Samuels -- Place: the socio-cultural context of making spaces / B.D. Wortham-Galvin.
The future of the architectural thesis -- The thesis fable / Amir H. Ameri -- Monster@Thesis.edu / Andrew Herscher -- Turning the black box into a great gizmo / Timothy Hyde -- The thesis on the table: research, pedagogy and identity / Graham Owen -- Urban by design: the value of design in urban reconnaissance & repair -- Marginality and the mainstream in Des Moines, Iowa: an interdisciplinary approach to urban design practice and education / Nadia M. Anderson, Ferruccio Trabalzi -- There is no such thing as community ... or planning: six notes on a mythological urbanism / Marshall B. Brown -- The value of collaborative design: urban revitalization through community-initiated events / Emily Rose Denhoed, Lisa D. Iulio -- The value of urban agriculture in urban design and development: literature review and case study in Detroit / Joongsub Kim -- Fringe urbanism: latent potential in suburbia / Nico Larco -- Retrofitting suburbia: a pedagogical perspective / June Williamson -- What is design thinking? -- Iterative approaches to planning and strategizing: learning from the architectural studio model / Shannon M. Chance -- Architectural knowledge and the performativity criterion: computation, mercantilization, and design thinking in the "post-critical" era / Izabel Gass -- On the way to (design) thinking / Randall Teal -- Design thinking: from object-centered to situational / Kenneth Warriner -- Collaborative practice -- Design outreach: the TrailerWrap project / Michael Hughes [and others] -- Community outreach studio: Lu's a Social Enterprise Pharmacy and Health Center for Women / Inge Roecker -- SEED: Designing for Tennessee's state parks / Ted Shelton -- Studio: DetroitHS / Craig L. Wilkins -- Faculty design -- Archi infra punctures / Martin Despang -- Architectural coffee cult-ivation / Martin Despang -- Threading water: relief housing and estuary regeneration / Laura Garofalo, David Hill -- Monocular sleeve -- Park City house addition / Jerry Ficca -- Ravine House (aka levy House) / Grace E. La, James Dallman -- Tubehouse / Kiel Moe -- RVTR: systems and speculations / Kathy Velikov, Geoffrey Thun, Colin Ripley -- Without a hitch: new directions in prefab architecture / Parametrics, performance and (pre)fabrication / Luis Boza -- Prefabricated recovery / Laura Garofalo, David Hill -- Trailer wrap / Michael Hughes [and others] -- Pre. Fab: myth, hype + reality / Frederick Zal, Kendra Cox.



Architectural design Congresses.
Design architectural Congrès.
Architectural design.


Conference papers (document genres)
Conference papers and proceedings.

Vedettes secondaires:

Crisman, Phoebe.
Gillem, Mark L.
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture.
ACSA Annual Meeting (97th : 2009 : Portland, Or.)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 262814
Cote: BIB 193943
Statut: Disponible


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