Agenda : Julien De Smedt architects / edited by Jesse Seegers [and others].
Titre et auteur:

Agenda : Julien De Smedt architects / edited by Jesse Seegers [and others].


Barcelona ; New York : Actar-D, ©2009.


544 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), maps (some color), plans (some color) ; 27 cm

Cover title.
Title from cover.
Sjakket Youth House: Post-occupancy -- New values for new design / by Michael Speaks -- Mountain dwellings: Post-occupancy -- Olympia Kwartier -- Copenhagen Harbor Bath: Post-occupancy -- Crisis Crisis / by Ryan Neiheiser and Benedict Clouette -- Kalvebod Wave: Social Amplitudes -- Financial and media crises with Albert Ravestein and Roland LeGrand -- Change discussion (in 4 parts), Future Crises with Bruce Sterling -- Appendix: HOP drawing set -- HySociety: Post-occupancy -- Demographic and political crises with Pascal Smiet and Eric Corlin -- Dochodo Zoological Island / by Ryan Neiheiser and Julien De Smedt -- Crisis reclaimed -- Why Infrastructure Architecture matters / by Ryan Neiheiser -- Energy and climate crises with Angelo Consoli -- Sustainability research -- Cairo Retail City.

"AGENDA is a catalog of 365 days, like a diary or journal: a collective narrative, personal and subjective. It documents the work and thinking of JDS Architects over a specific year marked by crisis, beginning on September 15th, 2008, the day that Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy. The form of the book exploits the double meaning of its title, presenting the absurdities of day-to-day architectural practice while also staking our intent. Rather than a definitive direction, our agenda is a definitive attitude - of eagerness, enthusiasm, and optimism, of criticality and concern, of fun and inquiry. It is a directive, a motivation to act, at times without clear knowledge of where our agenda will lead. Change, the buzzword of the last U.S. presidential campaign, is the order of the day, and the task of AGENDA is to explore what kind of change will be needed if architects are to assume a political and social agency in this new landscape. Bringing together diverse forms of content, AGENDA is a product of vigilant observation, introspection, and engagement with outside thinkers and collaborators - artists, curators, politicians, authors, economists, journalists, developers, educators, and architects."--Jacket


9788496954984 (paperback)
8496954986 (paperback)


Smedt, Julien de.
Smedt, Julien De, 1975-
Julien De Smedt (Firm)
Julien De Smedt Architects
Architectural firms Denmark.
Architecture, Modern.
Agences d'architecture Danemark.
Architectural firms.

Vedettes secondaires:

Seegers, Jesse.
Julien De Smedt (Firm)
Julien De Smedt Architects

Julien De Smedt architects


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 266702
Cote: BIB 198680
Statut: Disponible


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