Trade : commodities, communication and consciousness / editors, Thomas Seelig, Urs Stahel, Martin Jaeggi.
Titre et auteur:

Trade : commodities, communication and consciousness / editors, Thomas Seelig, Urs Stahel, Martin Jaeggi.


Zurich : Scalo, 2001.


287 pages : chiefly color illustrations ; 26 cm

"This book was published on the occasion of the exhibition at the Fotomuseum Winterthur (June 16 to August 19, 2001) and at the Nederlands Foto Instituut (January 13 to March 3, 2002)--T.p. verso.
Published on the occasion of a travelling exhibition held at the Fotomuseum Winterthur, June 16-Aug. 19, 2001; Nederlands Foto Instituut, Jan. 13-Mar. 3, 2002.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 286-287).
Merry Alpern -- Olivo Barbieri -- Boris Becker -- Valérie Belin -- Wout Berger -- Blank & Jeron -- Frank Breuer -- Joachim Brohm -- Balthasar Burkhard -- Claude Closky -- Miles Coolidge -- Neil Cummings/Marysia Lewandowska -- Augusto Alves da Silva -- Thomas Demand -- Todd Eberle -- Pierre Faure/Marie-Francine Le Jalu -- Peter Fischli/David Weiss -- Karin Geiger -- Beate Geissler/Oliver Sann -- John Goto -- Greenpeace -- Isabelle Grosse -- Andreas Romuald Hazoumé -- Matthias Hoch -- Dan Holdsworth -- Uschi Huber -- Steeve Iuncker -- Annica Karlsson Rixon -- Julia Knop -- Bettina Lockemann -- Manager Magazin/Jo Jankowski -- Boris Mikhailov -- John Mthethwa -- Marianne Müller -- Cat Tuong Nguyen -- Ralf Peters -- Nina Pohl -- Marc Räder -- Timm Rautert -- Heiner Schilling -- Florian Schwinge -- Allan Sekula -- Henrik Spohler -- Joel Sternfeld -- Sturtevant -- Gerald van der Kaap -- Massimo Vitali -- Markus Weisbeck -- Kelly Wood -- World Vision.
Kai Uwe Gundlach -- Matthias Ziegler.
Also issued online.
Dust jacket.

"Whether it's globalization, the New Economy, or young protesters in Seattle, trade is obviously on everyone's mind these days. This book offers a unique and fresh look at the concepts and realities of trade today. Images by photographers from all over the world add up to a fascinating panoramic view of a world shaped by trade: the artifice, glitz, and glamour of shopping, the sprawling metropolises in the East and the West, the lavish displays of power in the headquarters of multinational companies, the inventiveness and the desperation of people in the Third World, global traffic and high-tech communication. All are there in this stimulating, enchanting, and haunting selection of photographs. The striking, and sometimes threatening, images are complemented by a collage of text quotes on trade, ranging from pop culture to philosophy and anthropology. The compilation of texts offers trenchant insights, powerful rants, amusing anecdotes, contradictory at times, but always incisive. Like the images, this collage offers the reader a dizzying array of possible perspectives and thoughts on trade. Instead of purveying a single dogmatic ideology, the book intends to show the astonishingly manifold facets of the phenomenon "trade." "Trade" offers the readers an opportunity to discover playfully their own viewpoint. It combines images and texts to create an entertaining and provocative view of life at the beginning of the millennium." "Featuring: Massimo Vitali, Andreas Gursky, Merry Alpern, Allan Sekula, Thomas Demand, Fischli & Weiss, Todd Eberle, Marc Rader, Boris Mikhailov, Henry Bond, among others."--BOOK JACKET.




Photography, Artistic.
Commerce Pictorial works.
Photographie artistique.
Commerce Ouvrages illustrés.
art photography.


Exhibition catalogues.
Exhibition catalogs.
Pictorial works.

Vedettes secondaires:

Seelig, Thomas.
Stahel, Urs.
Jaeggi, Martin.
Seelig, Thomas, 1964-
Fotomuseum Winterthur.
Nederlands Foto Instituut


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 219044
Cote: TR642 .T7 2001
Statut: Disponible


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