The architectural project / by Alfonso Corona-Martinez ; edited by Malcolm Quantrill ; translated by Alfonso Corona-Martinez and Malcolm Quantrill.
Entrée principale:

Corona Martínez, Alfonso.

Titre et auteur:

The architectural project / by Alfonso Corona-Martinez ; edited by Malcolm Quantrill ; translated by Alfonso Corona-Martinez and Malcolm Quantrill.


1st ed.


College Station : Texas A & M University Press, ©2003.


xvi, 213 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.


Studies in architecture and culture ; no. 6

Includes bibliographical references (pages 187-198) and index.
Design processes -- Description generation -- Design education -- The two faces of functionalism -- Typology -- Development of the project: the elements of architecture -- Elements of composition -- Changes in design method: the future in the present.
Translated from the Spanish.
Dust jacket.

Annotation The Architectural Project considers the practice of architectural design as it has developed during the last two centuries. In this challenging interpretation of design education and its effect on design process and products, Argentinean scholar Alfonso Corona-Martinez emphasizes the distinction between an architectural project, created in the architect's mind and materialized as a set of drawings on paper, and the realized three-dimensional building. Corona-Martinez demonstrates how representation plays a substantial role in determining both the notion and the character of architecture, and he traces this relationship from the Renaissance into the Modern era, giving detailed considerations of Functionalism and Typology. His argument clarifies the continuity in the practice of design method through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, a continuity that has been obscured by the emphasis on changing goals instead of design procedures. Architectural schooling, he suggests, has had a decisive role in the, transmission of these practices. He concludes that the methods formalized in Beaux Arts teaching are not only still with us but are in good part responsible for the stylistic instability that haunts Modern architecture. The Architectural Project presents subtle considerations that must be mastered if an architect is to properly use typology, the means of representation, and the elements of composition in architecture. Students, teachers, and practitioners alike will benefit from the author's insights.


1585441864 (alk. paper)
9781585441860 (alk. paper)


Architectural design.
Architectural design Study and teaching.
Design architectural.
Design architectural Étude et enseignement.

Vedettes secondaires:

Quantrill, Malcolm, 1931-2009.
Studies in architecture and culture ; no. 6.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 227032
Cote: NA2750 .C6 2003
Statut: Disponible


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