Reading the American landscape : an index of books and images / editors, Lex ter Braak [and others] ; illustration editor/image editor and selection, Frank van der Salm ; compilation of bibliography, Erik de Jong, Hanneke Schreiber ; design, Irma Boom.
Titre et auteur:

Reading the American landscape : an index of books and images / editors, Lex ter Braak [and others] ; illustration editor/image editor and selection, Frank van der Salm ; compilation of bibliography, Erik de Jong, Hanneke Schreiber ; design, Irma Boom.


Rotterdam : NAi Publishers, 2009.


927 pages : chiefly color illustrations ; 30 cm

"This publication is the result of the study trip, "Power of place. A search for the meaning of landscape and public space in the United States", which the Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture (Fonds BKVB) organized in 2007"--P. 892.
Also available in Dutch under the title: Bladeren door het Amerikaanse landschap : een index van boeken en beelden.
Includes bibliographical references.
Everyday landscape : Interpreting American landscapes: the high road and the low road / Timothy Davis -- Nature, wilderness and national parks : Tree in the city / Hanneke Schreiber -- Landscape closed: some figures, measurements and remarks concerning the American landscape / Rudy Luijters -- Memory and identity : Folklore, festival and history: the Hudson River written and remembered / David Schuyler -- Landscape and art : Land art and its power of redefining contemporary landscapes / Fabiana Toni -- Glistening doom / Lex ter Braak -- Without and within: journeying through landscape and interior / Mechthild Stuhlmacher -- The rise of ruins / Huib Haye van der Werf -- Planning and design : Notes on new sublime landscapes in America: new sameness, the inverted sublime / Paula Meijerink -- Chlorophyll: landscape architecture and living material: from hybrid plants to hybrid landscapes / Mariëtte Kamphuis -- A reflective plague organism / Dirk Sijmons -- City and suburbia : Drosscape: God's own junkyard revisited: learning from landscapes / Tjerk Ruimschotel -- Green fields, orange clouds / Harry den Hartog -- A nightmare on forest lane: dream and decisiveness, power and powerlessness in the history of suburbia / David Hamers -- Why are our parks not where people are?: Jane Jacobs' visionary ideas on the livable city / Anne Hoogewoning -- Parts and gardens : Looking with one's ears: a reflection on Central Park in the dark (1906) for symphony orchestra, by Charles Ives, inspired by a walk through the park / Jandirk Hoekstra -- A renaissance of created landscape: teardrop park by MVVA Landscape Architects / Erik de Jong -- Artists' contributions : Geert van de Camp -- Central Park New York / Michael van Gessel -- The production of estrogenic clouds: a positive side-effect of pollution / Voebe de Gruyter -- Erick Odijk -- Sanne Peper -- Frank van der Salm -- Landscape delayed: a 100-day port-industrial experiment / Ester van de Wiel.

This book presents the personal views of 25 landscape architects, urban designers, visual artists, photographers and commentators on the American landscape. The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture (Fonds BKVB) invited this creative group to join a journey through the USA entitled 'Power of Place', in order to study the history, development and transformations of the landscape there. This study involved three scales: the city park as a social and multicultural space in the densely developed city, the landscape on the periphery of advancing urbanization, and the large-scale rural environs as an exercise in conservation, stewardship and design. An important guideline for this expedition was a selective bibliography that unlocks many aspects of the American landscape in relation to complementary themes such as memory and identity, suburbia and wilderness, park and garden, and planning and design.


9789056627034 (paperback)
9056627031 (paperback)


Landscapes United States Pictorial works.
Architecture United States Pictorial works.
Public spaces United States Pictorial works.
Paysages États-Unis Ouvrages illustrés.
Architecture États-Unis Ouvrages illustrés.
Espaces publics États-Unis Ouvrages illustrés.
Public spaces.
Landscapes United States Bibliography.
Landscape architecture United States. Bibliography.
Landscape architecture United States Pictorial works.
Public spaces United States.
Landscape design United States.
United States.
United States Pictorial works


Pictorial works.

Vedettes secondaires:

Braak, Lex ter.
Salm, Frank van der.
Jong, E. de (Erik)
Schreiber, Hanneke.
Jong, E. de (Erik). Renaissance of created landscape.
Fonds voor beeldende kunsten, vormgeving en bouwkunst


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 266211
Cote: BIB 197848
Statut: Disponible


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