Architectures of Russian identity : 1500 to the present / edited by James Cracraft and Daniel Rowland.
Titre et auteur:

Architectures of Russian identity : 1500 to the present / edited by James Cracraft and Daniel Rowland.


Ithaca : Cornell University Press, ©2003.


vii, 253 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 215-244) and index.
Peter the Great and the problem of periodization / James Cracraft -- The throne of Monomakh : Ivan the Terrible and the architectonics of destiny / Michael S. Flier -- Architecture and dynasty : Boris Godunov's uses of architecture, 1584-1606 / Daniel Rowland -- Catherine the Great's field of dreams : architecture and landscape in the Russian Enlightenment / Dimitri Shvidkovsky -- Russian estate architecture and noble identity / Priscilla Roosevelt -- The picturesque and the holy : visions of touristic space in Russia, 1820-1850 / Christopher Ely -- Constructing the Russian other : Viollet-le-Duc and the politics of an Asiatic past / Lauren M. O'Connell -- The "Russian style" in church architecture as imperial symbol after 1881 / Richard Wortman -- Civilization in the city : architecture, urbanism, and the colonization of Tashkent / Robert D. Crews -- Stalinist modern : constructivism and the Soviet company town / Greg Castillo -- The greening of utopia : nature, social vision, and landscape art in Stalinist Russia / Mark Bassin -- The rise and fall of Stalinist architecture / Andrew Day -- Conflict over designing a monument to Stalin's victims : public art and political ideology in Russia, 1987-1996 / Kathleen E. Smith -- Architecture, urban space, and post-Soviet Russian identity / Blair A. Ruble.

Across five centuries of Russian history, Russian leaders have used architecture to project unity, identity and power. In this book, authors from disciplines including architectural history, linguistics and geography survey the political and symbolic meanings of many kinds of structures.

Table of contents

0801441064 (cloth ; alk. paper)
9780801441066 (cloth ; alk. paper)
0801488281 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
9780801488283 (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Architecture Russia (Federation)
Architecture, Modern.
Architecture Russie.
21.62 history of architecture.
Architecture Russia.
Architecture Soviet Union.
Architecture Former Soviet Republics.
Historic buildings Russia.
Historic buildings Soviet Union.
Historic buildings Former Soviet Republics.
Identity (Psychology)
Russia (Federation)

Vedettes secondaires:

Cracraft, James.
Rowland, Daniel B. (Daniel Bruce), 1941-


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 228511
Cote: NA1184 .A73 2003
Statut: Disponible


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