New architecture and urbanism : development of Indian traditions / edited by Deeependra [i.e. Deependra] Prashad.
Titre et auteur:

New architecture and urbanism : development of Indian traditions / edited by Deeependra [i.e. Deependra] Prashad.


Newcastle upon Tyne, UK : Cambridge Scholars, 2010.


xix, 339 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), maps ; 30 cm

Based on proceedings at the International Conference on "New Architecture & Urbanism: Development of Indian Traditions", Jan. 2007, New Delhi.
Includes bibliographical references.

Annotation This book on New Architecture and Urbanism: Development of Indian Traditions builds on the contributions from various architects, planners, educationists, decision-makers & others from across the world who gathered together to create a forum for the promotion of traditional processes and techniques for the creation of the built environment. This forum was initiated by INTBAU India, The International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism in India, and supported by The Nabha Foundation. This book presents the arguments, axioms and case studies related to Traditional Architecture and Urbanism in a sequential format. Firstly it examines the New ways of looking at Heritage by separating it from pure history into a living and evolving process. The book looks at what defines traditional methods and their relevance to the contemporary context. It also examines the aspects of Continuity and Contextual frameworks in the built environment. The section on Sustainable Buildings, Places and Communities explores the many facets of locally driven processes from the viewpoint of tradition and sustainability. These include many community based planning methods and their applications in shaping the built environment, aspects of environmental sustainability and on how appropriateness could be ingrained into current architectural education. Lastly, the book delves into a number of executed examples in architecture seeking to learn from tradition and examples in place-making urbanism which in turn promotes humane, walkable and connected neighbourhoods.


9781443818698 (pbk.)
1443818690 (pbk.)


Nabha Foundation.
Vernacular architecture India Congresses.
Sustainable architecture India Congresses.
Building Environmental aspects India Congresses.
City planning India Congresses.
Architecture vernaculaire Inde Congrès.
Architecture durable Inde Congrès.
Construction Aspect de l'environnement Inde Congrès.
Building Environmental aspects.
City planning.
Sustainable architecture.
Vernacular architecture.


Conference publications.
Conference papers and proceedings.

Vedettes secondaires:

Prashad, Deependra.
International Conference on "New Architecture & Urbanism: Development of Indian Traditions" (2007 : New Delhi, India)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 285307
Cote: BIB 224713
Statut: Disponible


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