When faith moves mountains = cuando la fe mueve montañas / Francis Alÿs, Cuauhtémoc Medina.
Entrée principale:

Alÿs, Francis, 1959-

Titre et auteur:

When faith moves mountains = cuando la fe mueve montañas / Francis Alÿs, Cuauhtémoc Medina.


Madrid : Turner, [2005]


182 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 27 cm + 1 DVD

Accompanying DVD in back pocket contains film of the project.
"When Faith Moves Mountains is a project about geological displacement. On April 11, 2002, 500 volunteers were equipped with shovels and asked to form a single line at the foot of the 500 meter-wide dune in Ventanilla on the outskirts of Lima. This human comb pushed a certain quantity of sand a certain distance, thereby moving the dune a few inches from its original position. The physical displacement was infinitesimal, but not is metaphorical implications."--Page [14].
"When Faith Moves Mountains is a project about geological displacement. On April 11, 2002, 500 volunteers were equipped with shovels and asked to form a single line at the foot of the 500 meter-wide dune in Ventanilla on the outskirts of Lima. This human comb pushed a certain quantity of sand a certain distance, thereby moving the dune a few inches from its original position. The physical displacement was infinitesimal, but not is metaphorical implications" --P. [14].
Faith and mountains (1969) = La fe y las montañas (1969) / Augusto Monterroso -- What? Why? = Qué? Por qué? / Saul Anton, Francis Alÿs -- Where? When? = Dónde? Cuándo? / Gustavo Buntinx -- How? What? = Cómo? Qué? / Gerardo Mosquera [and others] -- Who? Why? : accounts = Quiénes? Por qué? : testimonios -- And? = Y? / Susan Buck-Morss, Lynne Cooke, Corinne Diserens -- Maximum effort, minimum result = Máximo esfuerzo, mínimo resultado / Cuauhtémoc Medina.
English and Spanish.

DVD records the events of April 11, 2002, when 500 volunteers equipped with shovels and formed a single line at the foot of the 500 meter-wide dune in Ventanilla on the outskirts of Lima, Peru. "This human comb pushed a certain quantity of sand a certain distance, thereby moving the dune a few inches from its original position." The meaning of this action is shaped within social and geographical contexts.




Alÿs, Francis, 1959- Exhibitions.
Alÿs, Francis, 1959-
Alys, Francis, 1959- Exhibitions.
Alÿs, Francis.
Earthworks (Art) Peru Lima.
Land art Pérou Lima.
Earthworks (Art)
Peru Lima.


Performance art.
Optical disks.
Video recordings (physical artifacts)
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs.
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

Medina, Cuauhtémoc.

Cuando la fe mueve montañas


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 255788
Cote: BIB 186065
Statut: Disponible


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