Aeolian winds and the spirit in Renaissance architecture : Academia Eolia revisited / edited by Barbara Kenda.
Titre et auteur:

Aeolian winds and the spirit in Renaissance architecture : Academia Eolia revisited / edited by Barbara Kenda.


London ; New York : Routledge, 2006.


xiv, 175 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Acknowledgements -- Foreword / Joseph Rykwert -- Introduction / Barbara Kenda -- Delphic Pneuma and the Cult of Asklepios / Richard Economakis, Chasma Ges -- "Study the Warm Winds and the Cold" : Hippocrates and the Renaissance Villa / Matthew Hardy -- The Role of the Winds in Architectural Theory from Vitruvius to Scamozzi / Alessandro Nova -- Making Visible the Invisible: Signs of Aer in / Paul Emmons -- Renaissance Treatises / Marco Frascari -- Poetry and 'Spirited' Ancient Sculpture in Renaissance Rome : Pomponio Leto's Academy to the Sixteenth-Century Sculpture Garden / Kathleen Christian -- The Winds in the Corners: Giulio Romano, The Elements, & The Palazzo Te's Fall of the Giants / David Mayernik -- The Breath of Cities / Rebecca Williamson.

Aeolian Winds and the Spirit in Renaissance Architecture introduces new dimensions of thinking about architectural theory. Investigating Renaissance pneumatic architecture with respect to other disciplines of arts and sciences, the collected essays substantiate the thesis that pneuma (air, wind, spirit, soul) is a fundamental link for establishing harmony among the human body, a building, and the cosmos. While much of sixteenth and seventeenth century scholarship has been devoted to the mathematics of ideal architecture, the book proves that essence, wind and ventilation are all part of the classical principles of building, and that one of the primary goals of Renaissance architects was to enhance the powers of pneuma so as to foster the art of well-being. This volume, written by leading architectural historians and scholars, delineates ancient and Renaissance theories and practice of pneumatology, and indicates a link to contemporary environmental questions. It examines Anaximenes, Hippocrates, Galen, Trento, Romano, Alberti, Serlio, Palladio, Scamozzi and other thinkers and humanists. Moreover, the essays illustrate the most famous examples of hygienico-therapeutic villas, including Rotonda, La Rocca Pisana and Eolia, a pneumatic model of Renaissance Venetian architecture.


0415398037 (hb)
9780415398039 (hb)
0415398045 (pb)
9780415398046 (pb)
0203967143 (eb)
9780203967140 (eb)


Winds and architecture Italy.
Architecture, Renaissance Italy.
Architecture Environmental aspects Italy.
Architecture Psychological aspects.
Vents et architecture Italie.
Architecture de la Renaissance Italie.
Architecture Aspect de l'environnement Italie.
Architecture Aspect psychologique.
Architecture Environmental aspects.
Architecture, Renaissance.
Winds and architecture.

Vedettes secondaires:

Kenda, Barbara.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 252680
Cote: BIB 182398
Statut: Disponible


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