Invisible architecture : experiencing places through the sense of smell / Anna Barbara and Anthony Perliss.
Entrée principale:

Barbara, Anna.

Titre et auteur:

Invisible architecture : experiencing places through the sense of smell / Anna Barbara and Anthony Perliss.


1. ed.


Milano : Skira, 2006.


223 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 21 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 216-218) and index.
1. Morte ed entropia : The last breath ; Separate the dwelling place of the dead from those of the living ; The nose of architecture ; The architecture of the nose ; Alchemy and pharmacy ; Putrescine and cadaverine ; Humors / Sara Manazza ; Dosages and concentrations ; Scatology ; Futurism and necrophilia ; Blood ; Punishment ; Food ; Eau de New Orleans ; Volatile organic compounds ; Dust ; Odorless death ; The catacombs, Paris / Philippe Rahm and Maurice Roucel -- 2. Emotions and rites : Architecture as urns ; Oder of sanctity ; Earthly paradise and heavenly garden ; Gardens ; 21 grams / Romina Savi ; Secrets ; Sulfur ; The place of fire ; Per fumum ; Listening to incense ; Tobacco ; The tea ceremony and coffee rituals -- 3. Marketing and time : Conservation and acceleration ; Greenhouses ; A tour of Parma, city of perfume / Nichola Pozzani ; The genie of the lamp ; Vacuum packed ; The medium is the message ; Travel and trade ; Physiological architecture ; Subliminal ; Air Pandan / Nancy Martin ; Emotional marketing ; Removal ; Placebo ; Les ateliers Hermès, Paris / Hervé Ellena and Jean-Claude Ellena -- 4. Identity and memory : "To smell" ; Non-standard architecture ; Being-essence ; Circuits and connections ; Absence-essence / Carolina Rapetti ; Words ; The evaporating subject / Letizia Schmid ; Olfactory material ; Compositions ; Vernacular, tribal, hypogeal ; Memory ; Mediterranean ; City odors ; Undisclosed recipient / Fabrizio Gallanti ; Open 24 hours ; The meatpacking district, New York / Elizabeth Diller and Roger Schmid -- 5. Bodies and distances : Territory and belonging ; The trigeminus and the olfactory compass ; Animality ; Pet me ; Sports ; Attraction and repulsion ; Seduction ; Sexuality ; Anthropology ; George Orwell ; Fresh air break ; Atmosphere is my style ; The Zaanse Windmills, Amsterdam / Petra Blaisse and Martin Gras -- 6. Dry or 1/2umid ; Epidemics ; Erasmus and the birth of manners ; Morality ; Utopias and hygiene ; The bourgeois home ; Dry century ; Vapors and fogs ; Spas, baths, and saunas ; Natural and forced-air ventilation: the beginnings ; The wind rose ; Giardino dei Semplici, Florence / Lorenzo Villoresi and Clino Trini Castelli -- 7. Realty and reproductions : Reaffirming the real ; Vanilla and vanillin ; Eating aromas ; The beauty of nature and its vast diversity lies in its simplicity / Isaac Sinclair ; Hallucinatory states and meta-spaces ; Sometimes they come back again: odorama and synesthesia ; Symbiotic fragrance and the rise of meta-humanity / Raphael Monzini ; Ubiquity ; Hyperventilation ; PIANODORANT: a dream instrument / David Bychkov ; [Pneumatic and inflatable].

"The history of odors and their spaces is a tale of air and humidity, of solid and laminated wood, of the past and the near future, the repulsion and attraction of real bodies, the anosmia of virtual locales, anxieties, fears, ecstasy, and memory. The places of death, sex, food, industry, sickness, divinity, nature, and the incorporeal all have their own odors. Odors are associated with the day-to-day every bit as much as they are with the extraordinary, with the immanent as much as with the evanescent." "The design of invisible olfactory architectures is not the exclusive purview of perfumers; it is also the territory of designers, anthropologists, sociologists, and psychologists ... and of common mortals who spend their days immersed in increasingly invasive and captivating odors." "The book explores the dense interweave between the sense of smell and architecture, and is enriched by the contributions of designers and perfumers exchanging thoughts and ideas on a host of related themes."--Jacket.


8876242678 (hardcover)
9788876242670 (hardcover)


Architecture Aesthetics.
Space perception.
Space Perception
Architecture Esthétique.
Perception spatiale.
space perception.
smell (sense)



Vedettes secondaires:

Perliss, Anthony.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 252563
Cote: BIB 182269
Statut: Disponible


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