City of extremes : the spatial politics of Johannesburg / Martin J. Murray.
Entrée principale:

Murray, Martin J.

Titre et auteur:

City of extremes : the spatial politics of Johannesburg / Martin J. Murray.


Durham : Duke University Press, 2011.


xxix, 470 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm.


Politics, history, and culture

Includes bibliographical references and index.
The restless urban landscape : the evolving spatial geography of Johannesburg -- The flawed promise of the high-modernist city : city building at the apex of apartheid rule -- Hollowing out the center : Johannesburg turned inside out -- Worlds apart : the Johannesburg inner city and the making of the outcast ghetto -- The splintering metropolis : laissez-faire urbanism and unfettered suburban sprawl -- Defensive urbanism after apartheid : spatial partitioning and the new fortification aesthetic -- Entrepreneurial urbanism and the private city -- Reconciling arcadia and utopia : gated residential estates at the metropolitan edge -- Epilogue. putting Johannesburg in its place : the ordinary city.

City of Extremes is a powerful critique of urban development in greater Johannesburg since the end of apartheid in 1994. Martin J. Murray describes how a loose alliance of city builders--including real estate developers, large-scale property owners, municipal officials, and security specialists--has sought to remake Johannesburg in the upbeat image of a world-class city. By creating new sites of sequestered luxury catering to the comfort, safety, and security of affluent urban residents, they have produced a new spatial dynamic of social exclusion, effectively barricading the mostly black urban poor from full participation in the mainstream of urban life. This partitioning of the cityscape is enabled by an urban planning environment of limited regulation or intervention into the prerogatives of real estate capital. Combining insights from urban studies, cultural geography, and urban sociology with extensive research in South Africa, Murray reflects on the implications of Johannesburgʹs dual character as a city of fortified enclaves that proudly displays the ostentatious symbols of global integration and the celebrated "enterprise culture" of neoliberal design, and as the "miasmal city" composed of residual, peripheral, and stigmatized zones characterized by signs of a new kind of marginality. He suggests that the "global cities" paradigm is inadequate to understanding the historical specificity of cities in the Global South, including the colonial mining town turned postcolonial megacity of Johannesburg. -- Back cover.

Book review (H-Net)

9780822347477 (cloth ; alk. paper)
0822347474 (cloth ; alk. paper)
9780822347682 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
0822347687 (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Urban policy South Africa Johannesburg.
Sociology, Urban South Africa Johannesburg.
Politique urbaine Afrique du Sud Johannesburg.
Sociologie urbaine Afrique du Sud Johannesburg.
Politics and government
Race relations.
Sociology, Urban.
Urban policy.
Ethnische Beziehung.
Urban politik.
Johannesburg (South Africa) Geography.
Johannesburg (South Africa) Race relations.
Johannesburg (South Africa) Politics and government.
South Africa Johannesburg.
Sydafrika Johannesburg.

Vedettes secondaires:

Politics, history, and culture.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 273324
Cote: BIB 206846
Statut: Disponible


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