Mauricio Rocha : taller de arquitectura / textos, Humberto Ricalde G. [and others] ; conversación con Javier Barreiro Cavestany.
Entrée principale:

Rocha, Mauricio, 1965-

Titre et auteur:

Mauricio Rocha : taller de arquitectura / textos, Humberto Ricalde G. [and others] ; conversación con Javier Barreiro Cavestany.


1. ed.


México, D.F. : Arquine, 2011.


258 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm

Ed. of 3,000 copies.
Includes bibliographical references.
Taller de Arquitectura Mauricio Rocha / Humberto Ricalde G. -- Cuando el cuerpo horada el aire = When the body perforates the air / Osvaldo Sánchez -- La arquitectura importa : reflexiones sobre la obra de Mauricio Rocha = Architecture matters : thoughts on the work of Mauricio Rocha / Carlos Jiménez -- Una arquitectura esencial = An essential architecture / Miquel Adrià -- Apuntalamiento = Shoring -- Intervención Temístocles = Temistocles Intervention -- Casa Heliótropo = Heliotropo House -- Casa en Itzamatitlán = House in Itzamatitlán -- Intervención estacionamiento WTC = WTC parking lot intervention -- Intervención X Teresa = X Teresa Intervention -- Programa Centro de Arte = Programa Art Center -- Intervención Galería de Arte Contemporáneo = Gallery of Contemporary Art Intervention -- Centro para Invidentes y Débiles Visuales = Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired -- Intervención depósito de agua = Water tank intervention -- Edificios públicos = Public buildings -- Intervención Torre de los Vientos = Tower of the Winds Intervention -- Mercado San Pablo Oztotepec = San Pablo Oztotepec Market -- Intervención Museo de Arte Moderno = Museum of Modern Art Intervention -- Casa Sayavedra = Sayavedra House -- Museografía Toluca Éditions = Toluca Editions exhibition design -- Escuela de Artes Plásticas de Oaxaca = School of Visual Arts of Oaxaca -- Pabellón Sonoro = Sound Pavilion -- Conversación con Mauricio Rocha : cada obra es un pretexto para seguir pensando = A conversation with Mauricio Rocha : each project is a pretext to continue thinking / Javier Barreiro Cavestany.
Text in Spanish and English.

This lavishly illustrated book explores the work of Mauricio Rocha, one of the leaders of the contemporary generation of architects who have been instrumental in re-making Mexico City. Rocha, son of significant architect Manuel Rocha Diaz and photographer Graciela Iturbide, is known for a wide range of buildings, installations and architecture-based interventions, including the San Pablo Oztotepec Market, the Center for the Attention of Blind People, and the House for Abandoned Children. Through the work of his Taller de Arquitectura and his teaching at UNAM and throughout Latin America and North America, Rocha's concepts of form, composition and material have deeply influenced a generation of architects and urbanists. Rocha himself joins other important writers in this book to propose various readings of his work. Essays by Humberto Ricalde, Osvaldo Sanchez and Mauricio Rocha.




Rocha, Mauricio, 1965- Catalogs.
Rocha, Mauricio Critíca e interpretación.
Rocha, Mauricio, 1965-
Taller de Arquitectura Mauricio Rocha Catalogs.
Taller de Arquitectura Mauricio Rocha



Vedettes secondaires:

Ricalde G., Humberto.
Barreiro, Javier, 1959-
Rocha, Mauricio, 1965-
Sánchez, Osvaldo, 1958-
Jiménez, Carlos, 1959-
Adrià, Miquel


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 279447
Cote: BIB 215478
Statut: Disponible


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