Sustainable urbanism and beyond : rethinking cities for the future / edited by Tigran Haas.
Titre et auteur:

Sustainable urbanism and beyond : rethinking cities for the future / edited by Tigran Haas.


New York : Rizzoli : Distributed to the U.S. trade by Random House, 2012.


318 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), maps (chiefly color) ; 29 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 284-303) and index.
Part 1. Sustainable urbanism, climate change, and resilience -- Part 2. Beyond new urbanism -- Part 3. Emerging tools of urban design sustainability -- Part 4. Systemic mobility, structural ecology, and informatics -- Part 5. Evolving cities and sustainable communities -- Part 6. Urban theory, city planning, and beyond -- Part 7. Sustainable spatial geographies and regional cities -- Part 8. Just environments and structure of places -- Part 9. Urban shifts, new networks, geographies -- Part 10. Beyond urbanism and the future of globalized cities.
Part 1. Sustainable urbanism, climate change, and resilience : Urbanism and climate change / Peter Calthorpe -- Resilient cities / Peter Newman, Timothy Beatley, Heather Boyer -- Interrogating urban resilience / Lawrence J. Vale -- Green urbanism: formulating a series of holistic principles / Steffen Lehmann -- From renewable cities to regenerating regions: fire the first element of sustainable urbanism / Peter Droege -- Sharing an elusive goal / Ray Gindroz -- A transatlantic encounter: the collaborative future of urbanism / Harald Kegler -- Climate change and the differential evidence of European urbanism / Michael Mehaffy -- Part 2. Beyond new urbanism : Housing fabric as urban form: a new urbanist argument against three generations of anti-urban modernist housing / Stefanos Polyzoides -- Sustainable urbanism in evolution / Stephen Marshall -- LEED-neighborhood development: the twenty-first-century tool for making American urbanism sustainable / Douglas Farr -- The strip corridor challenge / Victor Dover and Joseph Kohl -- Best practices in downtown revitalization, new urban style / Jeff Speck -- The last word: the relevance of new urbanism / Dhiru A. Thadani -- Part 3. Emerging tools of urban design sustainability : Community design charrettes: an essential methodology for civic engagement in the community design process / Charles C. Bohl. Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, David Brain, and Andrea Gollin -- Planning is choosing, or should be / Torbjörn Einarsson -- Out of place: context-based codes and the transect / Sandy Sorlien and Emily Talen -- Design charrettes for sustainable communities / Patrick Condon and Jackie Teed -- A holistic tool for evaluating sustainability / Chris Butters -- From evaluation to design of the urban form through assessment of environmental indicators / Eugenio Morello and Carlo Ratti -- Part 4. Systemic mobility, structural ecology, and informatics : Urbanism in the anthoprocene: eco-emergency, resource securitization, and premium ecological enclaves / Stephen Graham and Simon Marvin -- The role of transit in the development of urban areas of the United States / William R. Black and Bradley W. Lane -- Green tods / Robert Cervero and Catherine Sullivan -- On micro-transactions in urban informatics / Malcolm McCullough -- Mobility as an infrastructure of democracy / Richard M. Sommer -- Part 5. Evolving cities and sustainable communities : Prospects for meaningful global environmental governance / Peter M. Haas -- Building community capacity for strategic sustainability / Sean Connelly, Marc Roseland, and Sean Markey -- The neighbourhood unit: the antithesis of sustainable urbanism / Paul Murrain -- Why sustainable neighborhoods? / Harrison Fraker -- Landscape urbanism vs. landscape design / Thorbjörn Andersson -- Design in the non-formal city: insights from Latin America / Christian Werthmann -- Part 6. Urban theory, city planning and beyond : Globalization, local politics, and planning for sustainability / Susan S. Fainstein -- Everyday agriculture / Margaret Crawford -- Towards a systems theory of city design / Jonathan Barnett -- Sustainable theory, sustainable form: the future of urban design / Alexander R. Cuthbert -- The fourth tyranny / Matthew Carmona.
Part 7. Sustainable spatial geographies and regional cities : Regional urbanization and the transformation of the modern metropolis / Edward W. Soja -- The new rurality and the diminishing urban-rural dichotomy / Mats Johansson and Hans Westlund -- Merging landscapes, diverging competences / Bosse Bergman -- Bridging the gap between architecture and biodiversity conservation: a step beyond "greening " buildings / Wim Timmermans and Robbert Snep -- Cultivating built environment / N.J. Habraken -- Part 8. Just environments and structure of places : Reimagining sustainable urbanism / Julian Agyeman and Jesse McEntee -- Beyond the basics: modern cities as engines of economic opportunity and social progress / Henry Cisneros -- Planning for a silent minority : the needs of children for outdoor play, access to nature, and independent mobility / Clare Cooper Marcus -- Healthy and just cities / Jason Corburn -- Sprawl and urban types in Sub-Saharan cities / Dick Urban Vestbro -- Part 9. Urban shifts, new networks, geographies : Metropolitan form / Peter Bosselmann -- Envisioning ecological cities: the sci-fi-based solution to climate change / Mitchell Joachim -- Market urbanism: a preliminary outline for an alternative to urban ideology / Anders Jerker Söderlind -- The marriage of economic growth and sustainable development / Christopher B. Leinberger -- City design for sustainable change / John Lund Kriken -- Part 10. Beyond urbanism and the future of globalized cities : Three major conditions of modern/contemporary urbanism (thoughts on the World Trade Center) / Peter Eisenman -- A return to planning? / Anthony Giddens -- City futures: paths through the maze / Peter Hall -- General agreement on architecture / Andrés Duany -- Ecologies and scales of cities / Saskia Sassen -- Restorative urbanism: from sustainability to prosperity / Nan Ellin -- How the city lost its soul / Sharon Zukin.
Dust jacket.

A comprehensive examination of sustainable urbanism principles and practices and speculates about its future.


9780847838363 (hbk.)


City planning.
Urban policy.
Sustainable development.
Politique urbaine.
Développement durable.
sustainable development.
urban planning.
Changement climatique.
Sociologie urbaine.
Développement des collectivités.
Aménagement urbain.
Effets sur l'environnement.
Hållbar utveckling.
Sustainable urban development

Vedettes secondaires:

Haas, Tigran.

Rethinking cities for the future


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 278294
Cote: BIB 213859
Statut: Disponible


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