Art as politics in late medieval and renaissance Siena / edited by Timothy B. Smith and Judith B. Steinhoff.
Titre et auteur:

Art as politics in late medieval and renaissance Siena / edited by Timothy B. Smith and Judith B. Steinhoff.


Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT. : Ashgate, [2012]


xii, 234 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 221-224) and index.
Urban images and civic identity in medieval Sienese painting / Judith B. Steinhoff -- Cistercian gothic in a civic setting: the translation of the pointed arch in Sienese architecture, 1250-1350 / Ann Johns -- "Vedete come è bella la cittade quando è ordinata": politics and the art of city planning in republican Siena / Berthold Hub -- Images of the Virgin and power in late-duecento Siena / Rebecca W. Corrie -- Iconography and identity in a renaissance republic / Andrea W. Campbell -- "Santi cittadini": Vecchietta and the civic pantheon in mid-fifteenth-century Siena / Diana Norman -- Politics and antiquity in the Baptist's chapel façade / Timothy B. Smith -- "Armet se duritia": Domenico Beccafumi and the politics of punishment / Jennifer Sliwka -- Sodoma at Porta Pispini and the pictorial decoration of Sienese city gates / Machtelt Israëls.
Dust jacket.

"In Art as Politics in Late Medieval and Renaissance Siena, contributors explore the evolving relationship between image and politics in Siena from the time of the city-state's defeat of Florence at the Battle of Montaperti in 1260 to the end of the Sienese Republic in 1550. Engaging issues of the politicization of art in Sienese painting, sculpture, architecture, and urban design, the volume challenges the still-prevalent myth of Siena's cultural and artistic conservatism after the mid-fourteenth century. Clearly establishing uniquely Sienese artistic agendas and vocabulary, these essays broaden our understanding of the intersection of art, politics, and religion in Siena by revisiting its medieval origins and exploring its continuing role in the Renaissance."--Jacket.


9781409400660 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
1409400662 (hardcover ; alk. paper)


Art Political aspects Italy Siena.
Architecture Political aspects Italy Siena.
Art, Italian Italy Siena.
Art Aspect politique Italie Sienne.
Architecture Aspect politique Italie Sienne.
Art italien Italie Sienne.
Architecture Political aspects.
Art, Italian.
Art Political aspects.
Konst och samhälle historia.
Italiensk konst politiska aspekter historia renässansen.
Siena (Italy) Buildings, structures, etc.
Italy Siena.
Italien Siena.

Vedettes secondaires:

Smith, Timothy B., 1969-
Steinhoff, Judith B. (Judith Belle), 1953-


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 284285
Cote: BIB 223008
Statut: Disponible


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