Inscribing a square : urban data as public space / Dietmar Offenhuber, Katja Schechtner (eds.).
Titre et auteur:

Inscribing a square : urban data as public space / Dietmar Offenhuber, Katja Schechtner (eds.).


Wien, Austria ; New York : Springer Verlag, [2012]


95 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
Senses. On ambient information / Malcolm McCullough ; Active listening sites / Stadtmusik ; SONIC VISTA-Re-tuning human attention in public space, listening to the power of a city / O+A Bruce Odland, Sam Auinger ; On infrastructure legibility / Dietmar Offenhuber ; Tuneable touch / Ebru Kurbak ; LightBridge: Embracing the messiness, exposing the analytics / Susanne Seitinger ; Surviving in the Sentient City / Mark Shepard in conversation with Dietmar Offenhuber and Katja Schechtner. -- Systems. Taken square :on the hybrid infrastructures of the #15M Movement / José Luis de Vicente ; iGeigie / Safecast ; Safecast / Sean Bonner ; On the collection and utilization of human mobility data / Katja Schechtner ; Sense of patterns / Mahir M. Yavuz ; Notes on the design of participatory systems-for the city or for the planet / Usman Haque ; The killer app for technology-infused cities isn't efficiency, it's sociability / Anthony Townsend in conversation with Dietmar Offenhuber and Katja Schechtner. -- Places. Place pulse / MIT media lab ; The significance of becoming actors / Sandrine von Klot ; Kazamidori-Weathervane / h.o. ; Top-down/bottom-up urbanism / Nashid Nabian, Carlo Ratti ; ZeitRaum / Ars Electronica Futurelab ; From artifact to artiface: the mediatized decomposition of public space / Oliver Schürer ; Los Ojos del Mundo / MIT Senseable city lab & Fabien Girardin ; Here now! Social media and the psychological city / Sarah Williams.

"The mental image of the city has become complex. Since mobile phones have become geo-social devices, location-based data is increasingly shaping the way we experience public space. Until recently, the physical and the virtual spaces have been separate domains, now they are tightly packed together into what Malcolm McCullough calls the "Ambient Commons"--The collectively shared domain of environmental information. Media art practices have played an important role in shaping this development. This book investigates the potential of experimental and artistic forms of inquiry for helping us making sense of the city. The sections explore the sensory, structural and cultural aspects of new urban systems literacy - a re-examination of what constitutes public space in the real-time city."--Publisher's website.




Information society.
Installations (Art)
Public spaces.
Société informatisée.
Espaces publics.
installations (visual works)
Art and Design.
Öffentlicher Raum

Vedettes secondaires:

Offenhuber, Dietmar, editor.
Schechtner, Katja, editor.
Offenhuber, Dietmar editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 280250
Cote: BIB 216829
Statut: Disponible


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