Making a new world : architecture & communities in interwar Europe / Rajesh Heynickx & Tom Avermaete, eds.
Titre et auteur:

Making a new world : architecture & communities in interwar Europe / Rajesh Heynickx & Tom Avermaete, eds.


Leuven : Leuven University Press, ©2012.


252 pages : illustrations, maps ; 29 cm.


Kadoc artes ; 13

"This book started from the international colloquium 'Making a new world: reforming and designing modern communities in interwar Europe, ' organized by Hilde Heynen and Rajesh Heynickx in June 2006 at KU Leuven, Belgium"--Colophon.
"This book started from the international colloquium 'Making a new world: reforming and designing modern communities in interwar Europe,' organized by Hilde Heynen and Rajesh Heynickx in June 2006 at KU Leuven, Belgium"--Colophon.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 237-248) and index.
Community as a prism : re-aligning the architectural theory and practice of the interwar period / Rajesh Heynickx and Tom Avermaete -- Exegesis. Introduction / Rajesh Heynickx ; German cultural criticism : the desire for a sense of place and community / Thomas Rohkrämer ; Communities of landscape : nation, locality and modernity in interwar England / David Matless ; The (il)legible city : civic survey and the imagined community / Michiel Dehaene ; Modernity and community : a difficult combination / Hilde Heynen -- Experience. Introduction / Marieke Kuipers ; Model homes for working class urban living / Stuart Evans ; 'Houses of glass' : modern architecture and the idea of community in Poland, 1925-1944 / Martin Kohlrausch ; Negotiated modernism : British suburbia between the wars / Barry Curtis ; Making camp : landscape and community in the interwar German youth movements / Kenny Cupers -- Expectation. Introduction / Elizabeth Darling ; Nuclei of a genuine urban life : bringing the country to the city in 1930s London / Elizabeth Darling ; Building internal colonies : play, form and youth environments in interwar France / Tom Avermaete ; Modernizing musical spaces : music halls and utopian communities in Frankfurt am Main, 1900-1930 / Hansjakob Ziemer ; Colonizing fresh air : community and reform in Dutch vacation colonies and De Vonk / Marieke Kuipers -- Imagination. Introduction / Tom Avermaete & Rajesh Heynickx ; Images of the countryside : landscape, village and community in the discourse of Belgian farmers / Bruno Notteboom ; A law of inertia : the tower as site and symbol in interwar Flanders / Rajesh Heynickx ; The sociology of the city : Otto Neurath and the concept of Gemeinwirtschaft / Nader Vossoughian ; Envisioning knowledge architectures for a world society : Paul Otlet's architectural and epistemic design strategies / Charles van den Heuvel.
Library copy: selected for the Multidisciplinary Research Project on "Centring Africa: Postcolonial Perspectives on Architecture", 2019-2021, developed by the CCA with the generous support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

In the changing world of interwar Europe a longing for stability rose to the surface of social life. Newly developed neighbourhoods and buildings were designed to create the healing community that many people were dreaming of. Various social groups with nationalist, ideological, or religious agendas made this concept of community a cornerstone in their framework and appropriated it to prescribe the relations between architecture and modernity. This book analyses the various ways in which these relations were determined. Most activists/entities encountered the potentialities of modernity, such as technology or mass media, in an accommodating way. In a broad spectrum of actions and proposals - from art exhibitions to séances, photo reports to roof tiles, landscapes to sanitation - these reformists were hoping to create a universe in which their communal dream could become a reality. The 17 contributions to this richly illustrated volume draw the contours of this new world by analysing its foundations and working mechanisms at its heart. Source other than Library of Congress.


9789058679093 (hardback)
9058679098 (hardback)


Architecture and society Europe History 20th century Congresses.
Modern movement (Architecture) Europe Congresses.
City planning Social aspects Europe Congresses.
Community development, Urban Europe Congresses.
Architecture et société Europe Histoire 20e siècle Congrès.
Mouvement moderne (Architecture) Europe Congrès.
Développement communautaire urbain Europe Congrès.
Architecture and society.
City planning Social aspects.
Community development, Urban.
Modern movement (Architecture)


Conference publications.
Conference papers and proceedings.

Vedettes secondaires:

Heynickx, Rajesh, 1977-
Avermaete, Tom.
Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven (1970- )
KADOC artes ; 13.

Architecture & communities in interwar Europe
Architecture and communities in interwar Europe


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 317771
Cote: 317771
Statut: Disponible


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