October : the second decade, 1986-1996 / edited by Rosalind Krauss [and others].
Titre et auteur:

October : the second decade, 1986-1996 / edited by Rosalind Krauss [and others].


Cambridge, Mass. ; London : MIT Press, ©1997.


447 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm

"An October book."
Surrealist Precipitates / Denis Hollier -- Introduction to "Nostalgia of the Body" / Yve-Alain Bois -- Nostalgia of the Body / Lygia Clark -- In Defense of Abstract Expressionism / T. J. Clark -- Before Bed / Helen Molesworth -- "Where Is Your Rupture?": Mass Culture and the Gesamtkunstwerk / Annette Michelson -- Conceptual Art 1962-1969: From the Aesthetic of Administration to the Critique of Institutions / Benjamin H. D. Buchloh -- Bad Enough Mother / Mignon Nixon -- AIDS Timeline / Group Material -- Reading Africa Through Foucault: V. Y. Mudimbe's Reaffirmation of the Subject / Manthia Diawara -- Which Idea of Africa? Herskovits's Cultural Relativism / V. Y. Mudimbe -- "Fireflies Caught in Molasses": Questions of Cultural Translation / Homi K. Bhabha -- The Public Sphere and Experience: Selections / Oskar Negt and Alexander Kluge -- Cupid's Pencil of Light: Julia Margaret Cameron and the Maternalization of Photography / Carol Armstrong -- The Body's Shadow Realm / Gertrud Koch -- Is the Rectum a Grave? / Leo Bersani -- The Freudian Subject: From Politics to Ethics / Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen -- Death in America / Hal Foster -- Aesthetics and Anaesthetics: Walter Benjamin's Artwork Essay Reconsidered / Susan Buck-Morss -- Spectacle, Attention, Counter-Memory / Jonathan Crary -- The Cultural Logic of the Late Capitalist Museum / Rosalind Krauss -- Postscript on the Societies of Control / Gilles Deleuze -- Like the difference between Autumn/Winter '94/'95 and Spring/Summer '95 / Peter Eisenman and Silvia Kolbowski.
Dust jacket.

OCTOBER: The Second Decade collects examples of the innovative critical and theoretical work for which the journal OCTOBER is known. A journal anthology draws a collective portrait; together, the gathered texts demonstrate the journal's ambitions and strengths. From the outset, OCTOBER's aim has been to consider a range of cultural practices and to assess their place at a particular historical juncture. OCTOBER in its second decade has had an intensified concern with the role of cultural production within the public sphere and a sharper focus on the intersections of cultural practices with institutional structures. The topics of inquiry include body politics and psychoanalysis, spectacle and institutional critique, art practice and art history, and postcolonial discourse.


0262112264 (alk. paper)
9780262112260 (alk. paper)


October (Cambridge, Mass.)
Arts and society.
Popular culture.
Arts et société.
Culture populaire.
popular culture.

Vedettes secondaires:

Krauss, Rosalind E.
October (Cambridge, Mass.)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 178992
Cote: ID NX180.S6.O29; ID:98-B1473
Statut: Disponible


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