Common ground : a critical reader / edited by David Chipperfield, Kieran Long, Shumi Bose.
Titre et auteur:

Common ground : a critical reader / edited by David Chipperfield, Kieran Long, Shumi Bose.


Venice : Marsilio ; Enfield : Publishers Group UK [distributor], 2012.


331 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm

"Published for the 13th International Architecture Exhibition at La Biennale di Venezia."
Includes bibliographical references.
Introduction / David Chipperfield -- Common ground / Joseph Rykwert -- Sacrifice of space / David Leatherbarrow -- Stones in the water : architecture in the flow of infrastructural space / Keller Easterling -- Unconscious places / Thomas Struth -- Thomas Struth's city / Richard Sennett -- Reflections on the criticism of architecture and the future of cities / Rafael Moneo -- Praxis : horizons of involvement / Peter Carl -- Conversation of many / Teresa Stoppani -- Architects are commoners / Luis Fernández-Galiano -- Modellstudiengang / Thomas Demand -- Sharing forms : 'urbanity' as emulation and habit / Cino Zucchi -- Brick love / Patrick Lynch -- Teams for total design / Ove Arup -- Unité Marseilles : a laboratory for the common ground of architecture / Flora Samuel -- Common and the production of architecture : early hypotheses / Pier Vittorio Aureli -- Commons concerns / Denise Scott Brown -- Bloody fools : the story of Pimlico School, 1970-2010 / Reinier de Graaf -- Written on the walls / Fulvio Irace -- Monument for modernism / Robert Burghardt -- Doble del mundo (a double of the world) / Luis Moreno Mansilla -- Grounding the 'leaps' : personal notes on the writing of China's modern architectural history / Tao Zhu -- Attacks on townscape : the role of heritage in protecting common grounds / Robert Bevan -- Forensic architecture : the thick surface of the earth / Eyal Weizman -- Elbphilharmonie / Niklas Maak -- Source code : models for a perfect society / Wouter Vanstiphout -- Gran horizonte : Torre David / Justin McGuirk -- Architecture after the individual / Kazys Varnelis -- Memory and erasure : Altab Ali Park / MUF with Michael Keith -- Open-sourced architect / Mark Wigley -- Architecture magazines : the playgrounds and battle grounds of architectural culture / Steve Parnell -- What links film and architecture? / Alexander Kluge -- On European ground / Laurids Ortner.

9788831714358 (hbk.)
883171435X (hbk.)


International Architectural Exhibition (13th : 2012 : Venice, Italy)
International Architectural Exhibition.
Architecture, Modern 21st century.
Architecture, Modern 21st century Exhibitions.
Architecture 21e siècle Expositions.
Architecture 21e siècle.
Architecture, Modern.


Exhibition catalogues.
Exhibition catalogs.

Vedettes secondaires:

Chipperfield, David, 1953-
Long, Kieran.
Bose, Shumi.
International Architectural Exhibition (13th : 2012 : Venice, Italy)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 280325
Cote: BIB 217024
Statut: Disponible


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