Environmental histories of the Cold War / edited by J.R. McNeill, Corinna R. Unger.
Titre et auteur:

Environmental histories of the Cold War / edited by J.R. McNeill, Corinna R. Unger.


First paperback edition.


Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 2013.


xi, 362 pages : illustrations, map ; 23 cm.


Publications of the German Historical Institute

Originally published: 2010.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction : The Big Picture / J.R. McNeill and Corinna R. Unger -- Part I. Science and Planning. War on Nature as Part of the Cold War : The Strategic and Ideological Roots of Environmental Degradation in the Soviet Union / Paul Josephson -- Creating Cold War Climates : The Laboratories of American Globalism / Matthew Farish -- A Global Contamination Zone : Early Cold War Planning for Environmental Warfare / Jacob Darwin Hamblin -- Environmental Diplomacy in the Cold War : Weather Control, the United States, and India, 1966-1967 / Kristine C. Harper and Ronald E. Doel -- Containing Communism by Impounding Rivers : American Strategic Interests and the Global Spread of High Dams in the Early Cold War / Richard P. Tucker -- Part II. Geopolitics and the Environment. Environmental Impacts of Nuclear Testing in Remote Oceania, 1946-1996 / Mark D. Merlin and Ricardo M. Gonzalez -- A Curtain of Silence : Asia's Fauna in the Cold War / Greg Bankoff -- Against Protocol : Ecocide, Détente, and the Question of Chemical Warfare in Vietnam, 1969-1975 / David Zierler -- Environmental Crisis and Soft Politics : Détente and the Global Environment, 1968-1975 / Kai Hünemörder -- Part III. Environmentalisms. The New Ecology of Power : Julian and Aldous Huxley in Cold War Era / R.S. Deese -- Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons Testing and the Debate on Risk Knowledge in Cold War America, 1945-1963 / Toshihiro Higuchi -- The Evolution of Environmental Problems and Environmental Policy in China : The Interaction of Internal and External Forces / Bao Maohong -- Part IV. Epilogue. The End of the Cold War : A Turning Point in Environmental History? / Frank Uekoetter.
Library copy: selected for the Multidisciplinary Research Project on "Architecture and/for the Environment", 2017-2019, developed by the CCA with the generous support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

9781107694354 (paperback)
1107694353 (paperback)


Human ecology History 20th century.
Nature Effect of human beings on History 20th century.
Cold War Environmental aspects.
Homme Influence sur la nature Histoire 20e siècle.
Guerre froide Aspect de l'environnement.
Human ecology.
Nature Effect of human beings on.



Vedettes secondaires:

McNeill, John Robert, editor.
Unger, Corinna R., editor.
McNeill, John Robert editor.
Unger, Corinna R. editor.
Publications of the German Historical Institute.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 293644
Cote: BIB 238756
Statut: Disponible


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