Ahali : an anthology for setting a setting / [edited by Can Altay].
Titre et auteur:

Ahali : an anthology for setting a setting / [edited by Can Altay].


London : Bedford Press, ©2013.


171 pages : illustrations, plans ; 21 cm

"This anthology brings together a selection of contributions to the publication Ahali: a journal for setting a setting, which was first launched in 2007"--Cover.
Printed on double leaves.
Includes bibliographical references.
C-fact : community, collectivity, constituency, contingency -- We field workers / Robin Bone & Shep Steiner -- New rogue game / Jonathan Moslet & Sophie Warren with Can Altay -- Self-organisation--as a way of being / Paul O'Neill -- In support / Céline Condorelli -- e+l / Ken Ehrlich & Brandon LaBelle -- Cavite export processing zone / Dirk Fleischmann -- The virtual world needs to be shared in the streets / Emanuele Guidi with Jasmina Metwaly -- Interlude : Dehors / Haegue Yang -- Model-making : propositions, regulations, patterns, enthusiasms -- Museum / Nils Norman -- Proposition for reclaiming a space / Bik Van der Pol -- Proposal for collaboratorium on art and its thought in the state silk museum, Tbilisi / Bureau for Progressive Bureaucracy -- Granville cube / public works -- Letterheads / Luis Camnitzer -- Thing 000913 (stock plan #77-870) / Agency -- Hidden curriculum / Emily Pethick & Annette Krauss -- Interlude : Untitled / Luca Frei -- Forecasting Broken Parts -- Becoming globe / Can Altay -- Commentary for a metatext / Peio Aguirre -- Fragments on cyberpunk / Peio Aguirre -- High rise / Chris Fite-Wassilak -- 1895-1974, two fragments of Portuguese colonial past / Daniel Barroca -- The Frank Church, River of No Return Wilderness / Jeremiah Day -- Wishful thinking / Corey McCorkle -- The Yeni Otel / Mike Nelson -- Ahali FuturePastPresent Library -- Afterword : ethical mop / Chris Evans.

This book is a collection of selected articles from current and previous contributions to Ahali, a journal by artist Can Altay. 'Ahali' in Turkish refers to a community defined through contingency without a defined or expressed commonality other than being together. The contents of each issue of the journal are composed of invited contributions. Titles include: Support, Control and Letting Go; Modelmaking for the Socio-spatio-economico-political / On Propositions and Implementation; Co-habitation and Parasitical Practice; Locatedness (and Education?); Recycling and Reconfiguration / Sustainable Excess; Community and Contingency; Forecasting Broken Pasts; and Becoming Globe. Contributors include Binna Choi, Jason Coburn, Celine Condorelli, Claire Doherty, Chris Evans, Luca Frei, Nils Norman, Paul O'Neill, Mike Nelson and others.
Bedford Press, (imprint of Architectural Association) published an anthology of the journal "Ahali", an irregular publication edited by Can Altay. It is a black and white printed and Japanese bound book. The contributors include Nils Norman, Mike Nelson, Emily Pethick & Annette Krauss, Luca Frei, agency, public works and more. Both the journal and the book is designed by fai.--http://www.futureanecdotesistanbul.com/Future_Anecdotes_Istanbul/+Ahali.html.


9781907414268 (pbk.)
1907414266 (pbk.)


Altay, Can 1975-
Architecture Philosophy.

Vedettes secondaires:

Altay, Can.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 284102
Cote: BIB 222735
Statut: Disponible


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