Toward an architecture of enjoyment / Henri Lefebvre ; edited by Łukasz Stanek ; translated by Robert Bononno.
Entrée principale:

Lefebvre, Henri, 1901-1991, author.

Titre et auteur:

Toward an architecture of enjoyment / Henri Lefebvre ; edited by Łukasz Stanek ; translated by Robert Bononno.


Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, [2014]


lxi, 190 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm

Includes index.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Translator's Note -- Introduction: A Manuscript Found in Saragossa: Toward an Architecture / Łukasz Stanek -- Toward an Architecture of Enjoyment. The Question -- The Scope of the Inquiry -- The Quest -- Objections -- Philosophy -- Anthropology -- History -- Psychology and Psychoanalysis -- Semantics and Semiology -- Economics -- Architecture -- Conclusion (Injunctions).
Translated from the French.
Library copy: selected for the Multidisciplinary Research Project on "Centring Africa: Postcolonial Perspectives on Architecture", 2019-2021, developed by the CCA with the generous support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

"Toward an Architecture of Enjoyment is the first publication in any language of the only book devoted to architecture by Henri Lefebvre. Written in 1973 but only recently discovered in a private archive, this work extends Lefebvre's influential theory of urban space to the question of architecture. Taking the practices and perspective of habitation as his starting place, Lefebvre redefines architecture as a mode of imagination rather than a specialized process or a collection of monuments. He calls for an architecture of jouissance--of pleasure or enjoyment--centered on the body and its rhythms and based on the possibilities of the senses. Examining architectural examples from the Renaissance to the postwar period, Lefebvre investigates the bodily pleasures of moving in and around buildings and monuments, urban spaces, and gardens and landscapes. He argues that areas dedicated to enjoyment, sensuality, and desire are important sites for a society passing beyond industrial modernization. Lefebvre's theories on space and urbanization fundamentally reshaped the way we understand cities. Toward an Architecture of Enjoyment promises a similar impact on how we think about, and live within, architecture."-- Provided by publisher.


9780816677191 (hardback)
0816677190 (hardback)
9780816677207 (pb)
0816677204 (pb)
9781452941981 (ebook)


Architecture Philosophy.
Architecture Psychological aspects.
Architecture Philosophie.
Architecture Aspect psychologique.
SOCIAL SCIENCE Sociology Urban.

Vedettes secondaires:

Stanek, Łukasz, editor.
Bononno, Robert, translator.
Lefebvre, Henri, 1901-1991. Vers une architecture de la jouissance.
Stanek, Łukasz editor.
Bononno, Robert translator.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 286668
Cote: BIB 227095
Statut: Disponible


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