Architecture and the welfare state / edited by Mark Swenarton, Tom Avermaete and Dirk van den Heuvel.
Titre et auteur:

Architecture and the welfare state / edited by Mark Swenarton, Tom Avermaete and Dirk van den Heuvel.


First edition.


London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015.


vi, 353 pages ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 325-333) and index.
Part I. Cultures and continuities : From red superblock to green megastructure: municipal socialism as model and challenge / Eve Blau -- The welfare state in Flanders: de-pillarization and the nebulous city / Hilde Heymen and Janina Gosseye -- The beginnings of high-rise social housing in the long 1940s: the case of the LCC and the Woodberry Down Estate / Simon Pepper -- West Ham and the welfare state 1945-1970: a suitable case for treatment? / Nicholas Bullock -- Part II. Critiques and contradictions : Who needs 'needs'?: French post-war architecture and its critics / Łukasz Stanek -- The open society and its experiments: the case of the Netherlands and Piet Blom / Dirk van den Heuvel -- Where the motorways meet: architecture and corporatism in Sweden 1968 / Helena Mattsson -- The Märkisches Viertel in West Berlin / Florian Urban -- ALternatives to welfare state: self-build and do-it-yourself / Caroline Maniaque-Benton -- Part III. National and international : From Knoxville to Bidonville: ATBAT and the architecture of the French welfare state / Tom Avermaete -- High density without high rise: housing experiments of the 1950s by Patrick Hodgkinson / Mark Swenarton -- Matteotti Village and Gallaratese 2: design criticism of the Italian welfare state / Luca Molinari -- Exporting new towns: the welfare city in Africa / Michelle Provoost -- From European welfare state to Asian capitalism: the transformation of 'British public housing' in Hong Kong and Singapore / Miles Glendinning -- Appendix : Outcomes from the Liverpool Workshop 2012.

In the decades following World War Two, and in part in response to the Cold War, governments across Western Europe set out ambitious programmes for social welfare and the redistribution of wealth that aimed to improve the everyday lives of their citizens. Many of these welfare state programmes - housing, schools, new towns, cultural and leisure centres - involved not just construction but a new approach to architectural design, in which the welfare objectives of these state-funded programmes were delineated and debated. The impact on architects and architectural design was profound and far-reaching, with welfare state projects moving centre-stage in architectural discourse not just in Europe but worldwide. This is the first book to explore the architecture of the welfare state in Western Europe from an international perspective. With chapters covering Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Sweden and the UK, the book explores the complex role played by architecture in the formation and development of the welfare state in both theory and practice.


9780415725392 (hbk. ; alk. paper)
0415725399 (hbk. ; alk. paper)
9780415725408 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
0415725402 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
1317661893 (electronic bk.)
9781317661894 (electronic bk.)


Architecture and state Europe, Western History 20th century.
Architecture and society Europe, Western History 20th century.
Welfare state Europe, Western History 20th century.
Architecture Politique gouvernementale Europe de l'Ouest Histoire 20e siècle.
Architecture et société Europe de l'Ouest Histoire 20e siècle.
État providence Europe de l'Ouest Histoire 20e siècle.
Architecture and society.
Architecture and state.
Welfare state.
Sozialer Wohnungsbau
Arkitektur och samhälle.
Välfärdsstaten historia.
Western Europe.



Vedettes secondaires:

Swenarton, Mark, editor.
Avermaete, Tom, editor.
Heuvel, Dirk van den, 1968- editor.
Blau, Eve, author. From red superblock to green megastructure.
Swenarton, Mark editor of compilation.
Avermaete, Tom editor of compilation.
Heuvel, Dirk van den, 1968- editor of compilation.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 287825
Cote: BIB 229228
Statut: Disponible


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