Implosions/explosions : towards a study of planetary urbanization / edited by Neil Brenner.
Titre et auteur:

Implosions/explosions : towards a study of planetary urbanization / edited by Neil Brenner.


Berlin : JOVIS, 2014.


573 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
Introduction : Urban theory without an outside / Neil Brenner -- I . Foundations: the urbanization question : From the city to urban society / Henri Lefebvre -- Cities or urbanization? / David Harvey -- Networks, borders, differences: towards a theory of the urban / Christian Schmid -- II. Complete urbanization: experience, site, process : Where does the city end? / Matthew Gandy -- Traveling warrior and complete urbanization in Switzerland: landscape as lived space / Christian Schmid -- Is the Matterhorn city? / Marcel Meili -- Extended urbanization and settlement patterns in Brazil: an environmental approach / Roberto Luis Monte-Mór -- The emergence of Desakota regions in Asia: expanding a hypothesis / Terry G. McGee -- III. Planetary urbanization: openings : The urbanization of the world / Edward W. Soja and J. Miguel Kanai -- Planetary urbanization / Neil Brenner and Christian Schmid -- The urban question under planetary urbanization / Andy Merrifield -- These on urbanization / Neil Brenner -- Patterns and pathways of global urbanization: towards comparative analysis / Christian Schmid -- The country and the city in urban revolution / Kanishka Goonewardena -- IV. Historical geographies of urbanization : Urbs in rure: historical enclosure and the extended urbanization of the countryside / Álavo Sevilla-Buitrago -- What is the urban in the contemporary world? / Roberto Luis Monte-Mór -- The urbanization of Switzerland / Christian Schmid -- Regional urbanization and the end of the metropolis era / Edward W. Soja -- Worldwide urbanization and neocolonial fractures: insights from the literary world / Stefan Kipfer -- V. Urban studies and urban ideologies : The "urban age" in question / Neil Brenner and Christian Schmid -- What role for social science in the "urban age"? / Brendan Gleeson -- City as ideology / David Wachsmuth -- Urbanizing urban political ecology: a critique of methodological cityism / Hillary Angelo and David Wachsmuth -- Whither urban studies? / Andy Merrifield -- VI. Visualizations: ideologies and experiments : A typology of urban Switzerland / Christian Schmid -- Is the Mediterranean urban? / Neil Brenner and Nikos Katsikis -- Visualizing an urbanized planet: materials / Urban Theory Lab-GSD -- VII. Political strategies, struggles and horizons : Two approaches to "world management": C.A. Doxiadis and R.B. Fuller / Nikos Katsikis -- City becoming world: Nancy, Lefebvre and the global-urban imagination / David J. Madden -- The right to the city and beyond: notes on a Lefebvrian reconceptualization / Andy Merrifield -- The hypertropic city versus the planet of fields / Max Ajl -- Becoming urban: on whose terms? / John Friedmann -- Coda : Dissolving city, planetary metamorphosis / Henri Lefebvre

In 1970, the influential French Marxist philosopher and sociologist Henri Lefebvre published a book titled The Urban Revolution, in which he advanced the hypothesis that "society has been completely urbanized." By this, Lefebvre meant that the process of urbanization creates the conditions for capitalism--rather than urbanization being an outcome of the circulation of capital--and that the consequences of this process therefore extended far beyond actual cities. Compiling both classic and contemporary essays on the "urbanization question," this book explores the various theoretical, epistemological and political implications of Lefebvre's claim, with a series of analytical and cartographic interventions that reach beyond the conventional binaries of the topic (urban/rural, city/non-city, society/nature) in order to investigate the uneven implosions and explosions of capitalist urbanization across the globe--and what Lefebvre famously termed (in his book of the same name) "the production of space."

Table of Contents

3868593179 (pbk.)
9783868593174 (pbk.)


Sociology, Urban.
Sociologie urbaine.
urban sociology.

Vedettes secondaires:

Brenner, Neil, editor.
Brenner, Neil


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 286009
Cote: BIB 226084
Statut: Disponible


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