Herausforderung Erdgeschoss = Ground floor interface / Wüstenrot Stiftung (Hg.) ; mit Beiträgen von Doris Zoller [and twelve others].
Titre et auteur:

Herausforderung Erdgeschoss = Ground floor interface / Wüstenrot Stiftung (Hg.) ; mit Beiträgen von Doris Zoller [and twelve others].


Berlin : Jovis, 2014.


367 pages : illustrations (chiefly colour), maps, plans ; 31 cm

Published in conjunction with a conference held at the Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany, May 20, 2011
Includes bibliographical references.
Herausforderung Erdgeschoss = Ground floor interface -- Erdgeschosszone -- Wechselwirkungen zwischen Öffentlich und Privat = Ground floor zone -- threshold between the public and the private / Doris Zoller -- Architekturtheorie des Erdgeschosses = Architectural theory of the ground floor / Stephan Trüby -- Inside out -- Beispiele aus Japan = Inside out -- examples from Japan / Doris Zoller -- Redefining the gap = Redefining the gap / Sophie Wolfrum -- Learning from Tokyo = Learning from Tokyo / Markus Schaefer und Hiromi Hosoya -- Graduelle Abstufungen = Gradations / Sou Fujimoto -- House N, Oita JP -- Ikushima Library, Tokyo JP -- Apartment in Nerima, Tokyo JP -- Egota House A, Tokyo JP -- Moriyama House, Tokyo JP -- Freiräume und soziale Interaktion = Open spaces and social interaction / Doris Zoller -- Die grüne Schwelle -- Verschiebungen zwischen Privat und Öffentlich im städtischen Freiraum = The green threshold : transitions between the private and the public in urban open spaces / Stefanie Hennecke -- Schnittstelle Erdgeschoss = Ground floor interface / EM2N -- Gemini residences -- Frøsilo, Copenhagen DK -- Nuovo Portello, Milan I -- Hegianwandweg, Zurich CH -- Lokomotive, Winterthur CH -- Eden BIO, Paris FR -- Non-profit apartments Cesta v Gorice, Ljubljana SLO -- Billancourt, Paris FR -- Sluseholmen, Copenhagen DK -- Charlottehaven/Charlotte Gardens, Copenahgen DK -- Schwellen und Übergangsräume = Thresholds and transitional spaces / Doris Zoller -- Hyperskulpturen und Unräume : Schweigen drei Bemerkungen zur privatisierung des Öffentlichen = Hyper-sculptures and non-spaces : silence three commentaries about the privatization of the public sphere / Marcel Meili -- Der Zwischenraum = The space between / Stephen Bates -- Die Schwelle als Grenze, Raum und Übergang = The threshold as boundary, space, and transition / Alban Janson -- Urban housing and crèche, Geneva CH -- De Comissaris, Venlo NL -- Piraeus, Amsterdam NL -- Riffraff 3+4, Zurich CH -- Zelterstrasse 5, Berlin DE -- Ijburg 23, Amsterdam NL -- Wohnen am Ring, Munich DE -- Take Five, Frankfurt DE -- Planungsinstrumente und ökonomische Kräfte = Planning tools and economic forces / Doris Zoller -- Haus und Strasse = House and street / Johannes Fiedler -- Eine Metropole für Menschen -- planungsinstrumente für lebendige Erdgeschosse = A metropolis for people -- planning tools for vibrant ground floors / Tina Saaby -- Lernende planung Tübingen = Progressive planning Tübingen / Doris Zoller -- Oderberger Strasse 56, Berlin DE -- Magazin, Tübingen DE -- Sargfabrik, Vienna AT -- Kabelwerk, Vienna AT -- Borneo Sporenburg, Amsterdam NL -- Schlussfolgerungen = Conclusions / Doris Zoller.
Text in German and English.
Parallel texts in English and German.

Windows of residences located at head height of passers-by or façades that are hermetically sealed off externally: the appropriate use of the ground floor level is one of the great challenges of contemporary city planning. The research project Ground Floor Interface by the Wüstenrot Foundation, directed by Doris Zoller, is dedicated to the role of the ground floor as a transitional area between public urban and private residential space. This focuses on a typological study of the ground floor level in dense residential developments. Exemplary projects from Amsterdam, Berlin, Frankfurt, Geneva, Copenhagen, Ljubljana, Milan, Munich, Oita, Paris, Tokyo, Tübingen, Venlo, Winterthur, and Zurich show particularly successful, spatially innovative, and transferable solutions, which can contribute significantly to greater creativity and diversity in this usage sensitive transitional area between residential and urban construction.


9783868592696 (hardback)
3868592695 (hardback)


Architecture, Domestic.
Domestic space.
Espace domestique.
Verdichtete Bebauung
Öffentlicher Raum

Vedettes secondaires:

Zoller, Doris, contributor.
Zoller, Doris, author.
Wüstenrot Stiftung Deutscher Eigenheimverein, editor.
Wüstenrot Stiftung Deutscher Eigenheimverein editor.
Technische Universität München host institution.
Ground Floor Interface Conference (2011 : Munich, Germany)

Ground floor interface


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 287031
Cote: BIB 227711
Statut: Disponible


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