Educating architects : how tomorrow's practitioners will learn today / edited by Neil Spiller & Nic Clear.
Titre et auteur:

Educating architects : how tomorrow's practitioners will learn today / edited by Neil Spiller & Nic Clear.


London : Thames & Hudson, [2014].


352 pages : color illustrations ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 340-342).
Paradoxical simultaneities: Architectural education at the edge of the 21st century / Neil Spiller -- Timing Ls everything ... or is it? / Sir Peter Cook -- 250 things an architect should know / Michael Sorkin -- Alvin's AA: A panorama / Peter L. Wilson -- Architectural anti-realism: The AA School in 2013 / Brett Steele -- A prime meridian / Nic Clear -- Introduction to the Department of Architecture and Landscape, University of Greenwich diagram / Mark Garcia -- BUILDING ARCHITECTURE LEARNING -- Library and Department of Architecture and Landscape, University of Greenwich / Shih-Fu Peng -- The architectural mixing desk of the Surrealist city / Neil Spiller -- Defining your own horizons: Unit 19 / Neil Spiller -- Convergence: Architecture as integrated spatial design / Nic Clear -- Design animated: Unit 15 / Nic Clear -- A user's guide to the anthropocene (a short passage through a brief moment in time) / Simon Herron -- The salon of lost content (the refuge of misfits): Unit 16 / Susanne Isa -- Working the realities of landscape / Ed Wall -- The digital generation / Bob Sheil -- The imaginarium of urban futures / C.J. Lim -- Audacious encounters / Nigel Coates -- School of thought / Mark Morris -- Building Architecture Learning / Milstein Hall -- BLENDscapes: In support of a new era of transdisciplinary exchange in architecture / Evan Douglis -- Instigations: Reimagining better futures / Mohsen Mostafavi -- Building Architecture Learning / McCormick Tribune Campus Center, Illinois Institute of Technology OMA -- Just about enough / Perry Kulper -- Some thoughts on pedagogy / Jesse Reiser -- The education of breathing / Mark Wigley -- The art and science of design at the Cooper Union / Anthony Vidler -- Wot got left out / Ben Nicholson -- An experimental history, a history of the experiment: 1964 -- 2013 / Neil Denari -- Robotics in architecture / Greg Lynn -- What is SCI-Arc? / Eric Owen Moss -- Pretentious and incoherent thoughts on architecture -- right now / Hernan Diaz Alonso -- Building the Berlage: Notes on a continuing educational project / Salomon Frausto -- Three-year relationships / Reiner Zettl -- The question of questioning / Hani Rashid -- Hadid masterclass: A laboratory of design innovation / Patrik Schumacher -- BUILDING ARCHITECTURE LEARNING -- Kings, Queens and Broadways: Two projects for a new University of Applied Arts Vienna / Wolfgang Tschapeller -- Towards new aesthetics and new culture: Architecture and landscape programmes at Peking University / Kongjian Yu -- Implications of architectural education: Yesterday, today and tomorrow / Li Xiaodong -- BUILDING ARCHITECTURE LEARNING -- Sharp Centre for Design, Ontario College of Art and Design / Will Alsop -- Making a difference: Embedding academic research in practice / Mark Burry.
Text in English.

Many students come to architecture relatively late in their education, so it is in college where they come into contact with those who will influence their entire careers. Many top schools are run by leading global practitioners, who, some might argue, have more lasting influence as educators than as architects. The wide range of pedagogical philosophies and practical lessons, set out here in specially commissioned essays, creates a fascinating picture of how our ideas and practices of architecture are formed, nurtured and ultimately built for the world to see. Through both the professional and educational experience of the contributors, we discover many unexpected and unorthodox methods for teaching those who will build our world.


9780500343005 (hbk.)
0500343004 (hbk.)


Architecture Study and teaching (Higher)
Schools of architecture.
Écoles d'architecture.
Architecture and Planning.
Architecture Philosophy

Vedettes secondaires:

Spiller, Neil, editor.
Clear, Nic, editor.
Clear, Nic editor, author.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 288031
Cote: BIB 229579
Statut: Disponible


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