The thing the book : a monument to the book as object / Jonn Herschend & Will Rogan.
Entrée principale:

Herschend, Jonn, author.

Titre et auteur:

The thing the book : a monument to the book as object / Jonn Herschend & Will Rogan.


San Francisco : Chronicle Books, [2014]


156 pages : color illustrations ; 26 cm

Includes index.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Endpapers / Leslie Shows -- Bookplate : "ex libris" / Ed Ruscha -- Bookmarks / David Shrigley -- Epigraph / John Baldessari -- A table of contents to a book other than the one you are holding in your hands / Anthony Discenza -- Folios / Tauba Auerbach -- Footnotes¹ / Jonathan Lethem -- Introduction / Jonn Herschend & Will Rogan -- Essay : "The artist as a bookmaker" / Gwen Allen -- Essay : "Society of things" / Lucy Pullen -- Flip books : "Dancers" / Dave Muller -- Photography : "Roman women" / Sara VanDerBeek -- Essay : "My friends" / Harrell Fletcher -- Essay : "Work no. 470 : if you're lonely, 2005" / Martin Creed -- Note : "A note to my students" / Andrew Leland -- Erratum / Miranda July -- "The hearing trumpet : a character list" / Anne Walsh -- Photography and sculptures / Richard Wentworth -- (Detail from) : "Investigation #81 : The goulash trigonometry of fate" / Ryan Gander -- Illustration : "Bookshelf" / Tucker Nichols -- Bibliography : "Difficult times : every book about spirituality I own" / Mike Mills -- Calligraphy : "I don't speak Japanese" / Kota Ezawa -- Essay : "The fire this time : razing the book" / Andrew Hultkrans -- Essay : "A postcard from Lascaux" / Trevor Paglen -- Centerfolds : "Contemporary readers" / Laurel Nakadate -- Thumb tab / Lawrence Weiner -- Paintings : "Poem paintings" / Chris Johanson -- Photography : "Cover life" / Mark Dion -- Drawings : "Indices" / Molly Springfield -- Endnotes / Rick Moody -- "Questions for a reading group" / Starlee Kine -- Index / Matthew Higgs -- Colophon : "Zachary Z" / Sam Green.
Publisher band.

"What exactly is a book? This wildly inventive and thought-provoking volume asks that question of more than 30 of today's top creative visionaries, from Ed Ruscha to Miranda July, John Baldessari to Jonathan Lethem. Each traditional element of a book--from endpapers to footnotes--is assigned to a different artist or writer invited to use the space as a creative playground. The result is a collaborative group art project like no other. A ribbon bookmark by David Shrigley, page numbers by Tauba Auerbach, endnotes by Rick Moody--each contribution surprising and brilliant. This one-of-a-kind book will entrance anyone who appreciates art, literature, and the surprising possibilities that emerge when the two collide."--Publisher's website.




Bibel Ester
Book industries and trade.
Books History.
Books and reading.
Book collecting.
Books in art.
Book Industry
Book Collecting
Livres Industrie.
Art d'écrire.
Livres Histoire.
Livres et lecture.
Livres dans l'art.
Artistic collaboration.
Artists' books.
Böcker i konsten.


artists' books (books)
Artists' books.
Artists' books United States 2014.
Livres d'artistes.

Vedettes secondaires:

Rogan, Will, 1975- author.
Herschend, John writer of introduction, compiler.
Rogan, Will, 1975- writer of introduction, compiler.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 287755
Cote: BIB 229121
Statut: Disponible


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