The archive as a productive space of conflict / edited by Markus Miessen and Yann Chateigné [and three others].
Titre et auteur:

The archive as a productive space of conflict / edited by Markus Miessen and Yann Chateigné [and three others].


Berlin : Sternberg Press, 2016.


728 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 22 cm

Alphabetical list of authors on front cover.
Includes bibliographical references.
Introduction: Productive spaces of conflict / Yann Chateigné, Markus Miessen -- Archives of bio-power, Marseille, eighteenth-twentieth centuries / Philippe Artières, Ludovic Burel -- Entrusted archives / Philippe Artières, Caroline Cuénod -- Collective investigation / Matthew Bakkom, Yann Chateigné -- The ARPANET dialogues / Bassam El Baroni, Jeremy Beaudry, Nav Haq -- Positioning difference: the museological archive? / Irmgard Christa Becker, Beatrice von Bismarck -- No patent on idea / Sacha Béraud -- Interarchive / Beatrice von Bismarck, Diethelm Stoller, Ulf Wuggenig -- Historical reenactment / Tiphanie Blanc -- The time-element in fashion / BLESS, Kristina Kilian -- Species of spaces: a open archive of structural elements for book design / Maša Bušić, Jonas Fechner, Urs Lehni, Lisa Naujack, Lisa Pommerenke, Nadja Schoch, Bea Stach -- Lost Highway Expedition / Katherine Carl, Srdjan Jovanović Weiss -- Disassemblance: eruptions and incisions, bastards and monsters / Tina DiCarlo -- A museum without objects / Boris Charmatz -- BARBARa: on expanded library/BARBARa index/The story of a fall / Sophie Chérot, Romain Hamard, Emilie Ibanez -- The exhibition as an archive / Beatriz Colomina -- Functional configurations: seven acts in search of a play / Céline Condorelli -- Archiving the immaterial: a digital ecosystem / Mathieu Copeland, Kenneth Goldsmith -- The contribution of written and illustrative sources to our understanding of an architectural work / Catherine Courtiau -- On and around time / Alfredo Cramerotti -- Practices of return / DAAR -- Amnesia at play / Wouter Davidts -- Glitches in orality and the stakes of semantics / Jodi Deanm, Patricia Reed -- Fabbrica Rosa / Juliette Duca -- Real time archiving of the Architecture Marathon at IFREX / Kilian Fabich, Gloria Hasnay, Johanna Hoth, Kristina Kilian, Hanne König, Judith Rottenburg -- The Hans Ulrich Obrist Interview Archive Project / Kilian Fabich, Stella-Sophie Seroglou -- Raymond Hains: the library without shelves (An appeal) / Marina Faust, Pierre Leguillon -- ARTARCHIVEATTITUDE (AAA). And notes / Michel Giroud -- Silva Rerum / Ceel Mogami de Haas, Laurent Schmid -- The Schulthess galaxy / Ceel Mogami de Haas, Ingeborg Lüscher, Laurent Schmid -- A case study about appropriation / Nelly Haliti -- A brief history about Joe, Woody, and Le Village Suisse / Romain Hamard -- Phenotypes/Limited forms / Peter Hanappe, Armin Linke -- Unknown knowns and the law of what can be said / Stefan Heidenreich -- Cybermohalla Hub, Delhi / Nikolaus Hirsch -- A perisher's nostalgia: books and art---some Smacks® on a relational crisis / Christoph Keller -- What art does to archives / Christophe Kihm -- A conversation with Alexander Kluge / Alexander Kluge, Thomas Bayrle, Hans Ulrich Obrist -- The Kant walks / Joachim Koester -- Compiling piles / Tom Lamberty -- The potential spaces of documents / Franck Leibovici, Beau Rhee -- Archival limits / Charles Merewether -- Operating within organized networks / Nina Möntmann -- Institution, critique, archive, production / Julia Moritz -- Making me stop smoking [Previous phrase lined through] Make me stop acting / Rabih Mroué -- Archiving in formation / Hans Ulrich Obrist, Markus Miessen -- The Bitterlake Chronicles / Uriel Orlow -- Of mug shots and peepholes: reflections on the Auschwitz archives / Robert Jan van Pelt -- On libraries in the age of dematerialization / Megan Prelinger, Pierre Leguillon -- Part one: "Yes, here it is. Can you see it?" / Walid Raad, Srdjan Jovanović Weiss -- Forging (new) relationships / Alice Rawsthorn, Markus Miessen -- Ephemerality & the archive: semiotics & sensation / Beau Rhee -- The teachable file / Carson Salter -- Production rules: photography, archive, reality / Bruno Serralongue, Yann Chateigné -- In the beginning was equation / Mårten Spångberg -- On how things behave / Michael Stevenson -- Life is everywhere: "I collected smells instead of writing a diary" / Sissel Tolaas, Tina DiCarlo -- NATO as an architectural critic / Srdjan Jovanović Weiss -- Dying to speak: forensic spatiality / Eyal Weizman, Tina DiCarlo.

"What are the processes that enable archives to become productive? Conventional archives tend to be defined through the content-specific accumulation of material, which conforms to an existing order or narrative. They rarely transform their structure. In contrast to this model of archival practice and preservation, the conflictual archive has an open framework in which it actively transforms itself, allowing for the creation of new and surprising relationships. Illustrating how spaces of knowledge can be devised, developed, and designed, this archive reveals itself as a space in which documents and testimonies open up a stage for productive dispute and struggle."--Publisher.

Table of contents

9781934105863 (paperback)
1934105864 (paperback)





Vedettes secondaires:

Miessen, Markus, editor.
Chateigné, Yann, editor.
Miessen, Markus editor.
Chateigné, Yann editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 293091
Cote: BIB 237744
Notes: Project: at CCA
Statut: Disponible


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