Art in the Anthropocene : encounters among aesthetics, politics, environments and epistemologies / edited by Heather Davis and Etienne Turpin.
Titre et auteur:

Art in the Anthropocene : encounters among aesthetics, politics, environments and epistemologies / edited by Heather Davis and Etienne Turpin.


First edition.


London : Open Humanities Press, 2015.


402 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.


Critical climate change

Includes bibliographical references.
Art & death : lives between the fifth assessment and the sixth extinction / introduction by Heather Davis & Etienne Turpin -- Edenic apocalypse : Singapore's end-of-time botanical tourism / project by Natasha Myers -- Diplomacy in the face of Gaia / Bruno Latour in conversation with Heather Davis -- Becoming aerosolar : from solar sculptures to cloud cities / project by Tomás Saraceno, Sasha Engelman & Bronislaw Szerszynski -- In the planetarium : the modern museum on the anthropocenic stage / essay by Vincent Normand -- Physical geology/The Library / project by Ilana Halperin -- The existence of the world is always unexpected / Jean-Luc Nancy in conversation with John Paul Ricco translated by Jeffrey Malecki -- Cloud writing : describing soft architectures of change in the Anthropocene / essay by Ada Smailbegović -- The cerumen strata : from figures to configurations / project by Richard Streitmatter-Tran & Vi Le -- Geochemistry & other planetary perspectives / essay by Ursula Biemann -- Images do not show : the desire to see in the Anthropocene / essay by Irmgard Emmelhainz -- The fates of negativity / Anselm Franke in conversation with Etienne Turpin -- Design specs in the Anthropocene : imagining the force of 30,000 years of geologic change / project by Jamie Kruse & Elizabeth Ellsworth (smudge studio) -- The Marfa stratum : contributions to a theory of sites / essay by Fabien Giraud & Ida Soulard -- On the building, crashing, and thinking of technologies & selfhood / Peter Galison in conversation with Etienne Turpin -- We're tigers / project by Ho Tzu Nyen -- Technologies of uncertainty in the search for MH370 / essay by Linday Bremner -- Last clouds / project by Karolina Sobecka -- Islands & other invisible territories / essay by Laurent Gutierrez & Valérie Portefaix (MAP Office) -- Plants that evolve (in some way or another) / project by Mixrice (Cho Jieun & Yang Chulmo) -- Indigenizing the Anthropocene / essay by Zoe Todd -- Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Chthulhocene / Donna Haraway in conversation with Martha Kenney -- Ecologicity, vision, and the neurological system / essay by Amanda Boetzkes -- My mother's garden : aesthetics, Indigenous renewal, and creativity / essay by Laura Hall -- A history according to cattle / project by Terike Haapoja & Laura Gustafsson -- PostNatural histories / Richard W. Pell in conversation with Emily Kutil & Etienne Turpin -- Dear climates / project by Una Chaudhuri, Fritz Ertl, Oliver Kellhammer & Marina Zurkow -- The Anthropocene : a process-state at the edge of geohistory? / essay by Peter Sloterdijk, translated by Anna-Sophie Springer -- Public smog / project by Amy Balkin -- Life & death in the Anthropocene : a short history of plastic / essay by Heather Davis -- Ecosystems of excess / project by Pinar Yoldas -- The last political scene / Sylvère Lotringer in conversation with Heather Davis & Etiennne Turpin -- #Misanthropocene : 24 theses / poem by Joshua Clover & Juliana Springer.
Library copy: selected for the Multidisciplinary Research Project on "Architecture and/for the Environment", 2017-2019, developed by the CCA with the generous support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Taking as its premise that the proposed epoch of the Anthropocene is necessarily an aesthetic event, this collection explores the relationship between contemporary art and knowledge production in an era of ecological crisis. Art in the Anthropocene brings together a multitude of disciplinary conversations, convening artists, curators, scientists, theorists and activists to address the geological reformation of the human species.--Back cover.




Human ecology in art.
Climatic changes Philosophy.
Global environmental change.
Nature Effect of human beings on.
Écologie humaine dans l'art.
Climat Changements Philosophie.
Changement global (Environnement)
Êtres humains Influence sur la nature.
Art and Design.
Theory of art.

Vedettes secondaires:

Davis, Heather M. (Heather Margaret), editor of compilation, author, interviewer.
Turpin, Etienne, 1980- editor of compilation, author, interviewer.
Davis, Heather M. editor.
Turpin, Etienne, 1980- editor.
Critical climate change.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 297097
Cote: BIB 243405
Statut: Disponible


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