Medieval art, architecture and archaeology in the dioceses of Aberdeen and Moray / edited by Jane Geddes.
Titre et auteur:

Medieval art, architecture and archaeology in the dioceses of Aberdeen and Moray / edited by Jane Geddes.


Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2016.


x, 252 pages : illustrations (some color), maps (some color) ; 26 cm.


British Archaeological Association Conference Transactions ; XL

Papers from the 2014 British Archaeological Association Conference held in Aberdeen, Scotland.
Includes bibliographical references.
Locating Aberdeen and Elgin in the later Middle Ages : regional, national and international paradigms / David Ditchburn -- The medieval church in the dioceses of Aberdeen and Moray / Richard Oram -- Elgin Cathedral and medieval church architecture in north-east Scotland / Richard Fawcett -- Bishops' palaces in the medieval dioceses of Aberdeen and Moray / Penelope Dransart -- Excavations within the East Kirk of St. Nicholas, Aberdeen / Alison S. Cameron and Judith A. Stones -- Post-Reformation church architecture in the Marischal Earldom, 1560-1625 / Miles Kerr-Peterson -- Patronage at the Collegiate Church at Cullen / Lizzie Swarbrick -- From relegation to elevation : the viewer's relationship with painted ceilings from the medieval to Renaissance eras in north-east Scotland / Fern Insh -- Piping pigs and mermaid groping : six carved panels from Fetteresso / Jane Geddes -- The arbuthnott manuscripts : the patronage and production of illuminated books in late medieval Scotland / Julian Luxford -- The Arbuthnott Book of Hours : book production and religious culture in late medieval Scotland / Marlene Villalobos Hennessy -- North-eastern saints in the Aberdeen Breviary and the Historia Gentis Scotorum of Hector Boece : liturgy, history and religious practice in late medieval Scotland / Tom Turpie.
Current copyright fee: GBP32.00 47\0.

"The British Archaeological Association Conference of 2014, based at Aberdeen University, surveyed the medieval heritage of Aberdeenshire and Moray. The opening historical papers establish the political, economic and administrative context of the region, looking at both the secular and religious worlds and including an examination of Elgin Cathedral and the bishops' palaces. The discoveries at the excavations of the kirk of St. Nicholas, which have revealed the early origins of religious life in Aberdeen city, are summarised here prior to full publication"--Amazon.com.


9781138640672 (hardback ; alkaline paper)
1138640670 (hardback ; alkaline paper)
9781138640689 (paperback ; alkaline paper)
1138640689 (paperback ; alkaline paper)


Episcopal Church in Scotland
Art, Medieval Scotland Aberdeen Congresses.
Art, Medieval Scotland Moray Congresses.
Architecture, Medieval Scotland Aberdeen Congresses.
Architecture, Medieval Scotland Moray Congresses.
Church architecture Scotland Moray History Congresses.
Archaeology, Medieval Scotland Aberdeen Congresses.
Archaeology, Medieval Scotland Moray Congresses.
Art médiéval Écosse Aberdeen Congrès.
Architecture médiévale Écosse Aberdeen Congrès.
Archéologie médiévale Écosse Aberdeen Congrès.
Archaeology, Medieval.
Architecture, Medieval.
Art, Medieval.
Church architecture.
Mittelalterliche Archäologie
Aberdeen (Scotland) Antiquities Congresses.
Moray (Scotland) Antiquities Congresses.
Scotland Aberdeen.
Scotland Moray.
Schottland Nordost
Skottland Aberdeen.
Skottland Moray.


Conference papers (document genres)
Conference papers and proceedings.

Vedettes secondaires:

Geddes, J. (Jane)
Geddes, J. (Jane) editor.
British Archaeological Association. Conference (2014 : Aberdeen, Scotland)
British Archaeological Association conference transactions ; 40.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 293018
Cote: BIB 237616
Statut: Disponible


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