LEAP dialogues : career pathways in design for social innovation / [edited by] Mariana Amatullo with Bryan Boyer, Liz Danzico and Andrew Shea.
Titre et auteur:

LEAP dialogues : career pathways in design for social innovation / [edited by] Mariana Amatullo with Bryan Boyer, Liz Danzico and Andrew Shea.


[Pasadena, CA] : Designmatters at ArtCenter College of Design, 2016.


360 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Why: Why designers practice in social innovation. Introduction / Mariana Amatullo -- Pushing boundaries: Overcoming limitations in social design / Valerie Casey & Barry M. Katz -- Not an option: Design as a necessity / Tommy Lynn & Suzi Sosa -- It's a thing: Unpacking social design / María del Carmen Lamadrid & Cameron Tonkinwise -- Contrasting approaches: Life vs. numbers / Tracy Pilar Johnson & Denis Weil -- Design driven approaches: Time, patience and discipline / Robert Fabricant & Manuel Toscano -- Agents of scale / Bobby Chang & Christopher Fabian -- Social demand: A new economic order / Charlie Cannon & Seth Goldenberg -- A day in the life of Mari Nakano -- A day in the life of Matthew Manos -- What: What designers need to practice in social innovation. Introduction / Liz Danzico -- Separated at birth?: Entrepreneurs and designers / Thomas Fisher & Kim Tanzer -- Making models: R&D in the social sector / Renuka Kher & David Sherwin -- Participatory methods: Democratic action and design / Manoj Fenelon & Eduardo Staszowski -- Method essays: Visual mapping / Danny Alexander ; Co-design / Sarah Brooks ; Visualization / Landon Brown ; Prototypes / Diagram Partners ; Insights & synthesis / Jon Kolko ; Context immersion / Liz Ogbu -- Unique demands: The right tools for the job / Anab Jain & Sarah Lidgus -- Opportunity: Supporting careers in social impact design / Jason Schupbach & Cynthia E. Smith -- Fellowships: Creating career opportunities / John Cary & Marika Shiori-Clark -- Foundation work: Entry points, barriers and funding / Lee Davis & Tara Roth -- A day in the life of Ramsey Ford -- A day in the life of Dawn Hancock -- How: How designers practice in social innovation. Introduction / Bryan Boyer -- Scaling ambition: impact vs. eradication / Rodrigo Canales & Tom De Blasis -- Institutional culture / Barbara A. Barry & Lorna Ross -- Measuring progress: designers in government / Dana Chisnell & Cyd Harrell -- Evolving roles / Mollie Ruskin & Jessica Teal -- Durable partnerships / Carol Coletta & Chelsea Mauldin -- Diving in: nonprofits, NGOs and design / Jeff Wishnie & Jocelyn Wyatt -- Impacting th social / Stuart Candy & Candy Chang -- Taking the LEAP / Cheryl Heller & Paul Polak -- A day in the life of Dan Formosa -- A day in the life of Jan Chipchase -- Case studies. Introduction / Andrew Shea ; Catapult ; Center for Urban Pedagogy ; D-Rev ; frog ; Greater good studio ; IBM ; IDEO.org ; MASS design group ; New Orleans iTeam ; Proximity designs -- The future outlook of design for social innovation. Learn before you leap? lessons from design educators / Allan Chochinov.

"The role of design and designers in society and the marketplace is changing. This book is about why these changes are happening, what skills are needed to stay relevant, how new practices are emerging"--Back cover.




Design Social aspects.
Graphic arts Social aspects.
Designers Interviews.
Social entrepreneurship.
Design Aspect social.
Arts graphiques Aspect social.
Designers Entretiens.
Entrepreneuriat social.
Art and Design.



Vedettes secondaires:

Amatullo, Mariana, editor.
Boyer, Bryan, editor.
Danzico, Liz, editor.
Shea, Andrew, 1977- editor.
Amatullo, Mariana. editor.
Boyer, Bryan editor.
TwoPoints.Net, book designer.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 293567
Cote: BIB 238668
Statut: Disponible


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