Deconstructing the High Line : postindustrial urbanism and the rise of the elevated park / edited by Christoph Lindner and Brian Rosa.
Titre et auteur:

Deconstructing the High Line : postindustrial urbanism and the rise of the elevated park / edited by Christoph Lindner and Brian Rosa.


New Brunswick, New Jersey : Rutgers University Press, [2017]


xi, 259 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 221-244) and index.
Introduction : from elevated railway to urban park / Brian Rosa and Christoph Lindner -- Part I. Envisioning the High Line. Hunt's Haunts / James Corner ; Community engagement, equity, and the High Line / Danya Sherman ; Loving the High Line: infrastructure, architecture, and the politics of space in the mediated city / Alan Smart -- Part II. Gentrification and the neoliberal city. Parks for profit: public space and inequality in New York City / Kevin Loughran ; Park (in)equity / Julian Brash ; Retro-walking New York / Christoph Lindner -- Part III. Urban political ecologies. The garden on the machine / Tom Baker ; The urban sustainability fix and the rise of the conservancy park / Phil Birge-Liberman ; Of success and succession: a queer urban ecology of the High Line / Darren J. Patrick -- Part IV. The High Line effect. A High Line for Queens: celebrating diversity or displacing it? / Scott Larson ; Programming difference on Rotterdam's Hofbogen / Daan Wesselman ; Public space and terrain vague on São Paulo's Minhocão: the High Line in translation / Nate Millington.

"The High Line, an innovative promenade created on a disused elevated railway in Manhattan, is widely recognized as among the most iconic urban landmarks of the twenty-first century. It has stimulated public interest in landscape design while simultaneously re-integrating an abandoned industrial relic back into the everyday life of New York City. Since its opening in 2009, this unique greenway has exceeded all expectations in terms of attracting visitors, investment, and property development to Manhattan's West Side, and is frequently celebrated as a monument to community-led activism, adaptive re-use of urban infrastructure, and innovative ecological design. It has also inspired a worldwide proliferation of similar proposals seeking to capitalize on the repurposing of disused urban infrastructure for postindustrial revitalization. In the wake of an overwhelmingly celebratory public reaction to the transformation, this interdisciplinary book is the first to bring together scholars from the across the fields of architecture, urban planning and design, geography, sociology, and cultural studies to critically interrogate the aesthetic, ecological, symbolic, and social impact of the High Line. In so doing, the book addresses the High Line's relation to public space, creative practice, urban renewal, and gentrification."--Provided by publisher.


9780813576466 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
0813576466 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
9780813576459 (pbk.)
0813576458 (pbk.)
(e-book ; epub)
(e-book ; web pdf)


Urban parks New York (State) New York.
Land use New York (State) New York.
City planning New York (State) New York.
Railroads, Elevated Remodeling for other use.
Parcs urbains New York (État) New York.
Utilisation du sol New York (État) New York.
Chemins de fer aériens Reconversion.
ARCHITECTURE Buildings Landmarks & Monuments.
ARCHITECTURE Urban & Land Use Planning.
ART Art & Politics.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Urban & Regional.
POLITICAL SCIENCE Public Policy City Planning & Urban Development.
SOCIAL SCIENCE Sociology Urban.
City planning.
Land use.
Urban parks.
High Line (New York, N.Y. : Park)
High Line (New York, N.Y. : Parc)
New York (State) New York.
New York (State) New York High Line (Park)
High Line

Vedettes secondaires:

Lindner, Christoph, 1971- editor.
Rosa, Brian, 1982- editor.

Postindustrial urbanism and the rise of the elevated park


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 295094
Cote: BIB 241045
Statut: Disponible


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