Turning point in timber construction : a new economy / Ulrich Dangel.
Entrée principale:

Dangel, Ulrich, author.

Titre et auteur:

Turning point in timber construction : a new economy / Ulrich Dangel.


Basel : Birkhäuser, part of Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin, [2017]


192 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), facsimile, maps ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Foreword -- Forestry and Sustainability -- The World's Forests -- Deforestation -- Climate Change -- The Carbon Cycle and Forests -- Sustainable Forest Management -- Certification Systems -- Products and Manufacturing -- Forest Products -- Carbon Sequestration and Substitution Potential -- Industry and Wood Utilization -- Reuse and Recycling -- Life-Cycle Assessment -- Globalization Trends -- Craft and Construction -- The Carpentry Trade -- Timber Construction Systems -- Wood-Based Composite Products -- Hybrid Construction and Composite Components -- Prefabrication and Mass Customization -- Wood Technology and Digital Manufacturing -- Values and Perception -- Craft Tradition and Future -- Authenticity and Contradiction -- Weathering and Preservation -- Health and Well-Being -- Potential and Outlook -- Wood in the City -- Building in Existing Fabric -- Multi-Story Timber Construction -- Rapid Housing -- Regional Value Added -- Future Developments -- Biography / Acknowledgments -- Selected Bibliography -- Illustration Credits

Faced with man-made climate change and the need to provide housing for a growing world population, society needs to rethink the way future buildings are made. Wood is a truly renewable building material that is unlimited in supply if its growth and harvest are sustainably managed. Recent technological advancements in engineering allow the use of timber for the construction of multi-story structures, turning our buildings into carbon sinks rather than becoming sources for CO2-emissions. The book presents convincing arguments for the increased use of wood as an alternative to more fossil fuel intensive building materials, with the goal of demonstrating that an integrated approach can have the potential for positive impact on the environment, local economies, and the building culture at large.




Building, Wooden.
Sustainable architecture.
Construction en bois.
Architecture durable.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 295716
Cote: BIB 242077
Statut: Disponible


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