Infrastructure space / edited by Ilka & Andreas Ruby ; including a visual atlas compiled by Something Fantastic.
Titre et auteur:

Infrastructure space / edited by Ilka & Andreas Ruby ; including a visual atlas compiled by Something Fantastic.


Berlin : Ruby Press, 2017.


xvi, 421 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 24 cm

Includes biographies of contributors.
Includes bibliographical references.
[I.] Infrastructure takes command / March Angélil and Cary Siress -- Document : Shades of gray and a green thumb with out-of-the-blue couplings / François Charbonnet and Cary Siress -- Eight points on infrastructure and architecture / Laurent Stalder and Carlotta Darò -- The metropolitan relational matrix / Jesse LeCavalier and Jason Young -- The production of territory / Kath Velikov and Geoffrey Thün -- Planetary urbanization / Neil Brenner and Christian Schmid -- A visual atlas, part I / Something Fantastic -- Document : Windowscape / Yoshiharu Tsukamoto -- [II.] Infrastructure as thing : Incremental infrastructure / Julia King -- Occupation and in-between zones / Michael Dear -- The ephemeral metropolis / Rahul Mehrotra and Felipe Vera -- Mass and material architecture / Salmaan Craig -- Biopolitics on the Nile / Charlotte Malterre-Barthes -- Beyond the binary / Miho Masereeuw and Claudia Bode -- Land as project / Milica Topalović -- A visual atlas, part 2 / Something Fantastic -- Africa's infrastructure appetite / Carlos Lopes -- [III.] Infrastructure as network : Territorial infrastructures / Kath Velikov and Geoffrey Thün -- Sound networks, the private, and the public sphere / Carlotta Darò -- Energy transition at the regional scale / Sven Stremke -- On scaleless urbanization / Ross Exo Adams -- The urbanization of the ocean / Nancy Couling -- The infrastructure of bare life / Tom Avermaete -- Split screen / Keller Easterling -- A visual atlas, part 3 / Something Fantastic -- Document : The planet's infrastructure / Simon Upton -- Infrastructure as agency : Infrastructures of equality versus inequality / Ricky Burdett -- From rail road to Greenway / Diane Van Buren -- The mechanics of invisibility / Paul N. Edwards -- Transformative capacity of resilience / Henk Ovink -- Designing the coast in the moment of rain / Anuradha Mathur and Dilip da Cunha -- Geography and oil / Design Earth -- Document : For a techno-aesthetic / Georges Teyssot -- A visual atlas, part 4 / Something Fantastic.

"Is infrastructure but the plumbing and wiring of the human environment, or is it the true lifeblood of the spaces we inhabit? Infrastructural systems facilitate the flow of anything from people and goods to resources and information. While engineered to perform specific tasks, such networks also determine the structure of buildings, cities, and metropolitan regions, if not of entire nations and the planet itself. Taking this critical leverage in consideration, this book calls for expanding and renegotiating the roles of infrastructure not only as a technical, but also as a political, economic, social, and even aesthetic matter of concern for all, claimed not only as the means for achieving more resilient forms of development, but moreover as a right to a sustainable way of life. Twenty-five essays--by architects, engineers, urban theorists and policy-makers--address infrastructure as 'thing', 'networked system' and 'agency' respectively in three chapters, which are periodically interspersed by a visual atlas of examples, that playfully celebrate infrastructure through the lens of its spatial qualities." --Cover.


9783944074184 (paperback)
3944074181 (paperback)


Infrastructure (Economics)
Infrastructure (Economics) Pictorial works.
Public works.
Transportation engineering Social aspects.
Architecture and society.
Travaux publics.
Transport Technologie Aspect social.
Architecture et société.
public works.
Architecture (General)
Landscape Architecture (General)
Land Use Planning
Architectuur (algemeen)
Landschapsarchitectuur (algemeen)


Pictorial works.

Vedettes secondaires:

Ruby, Andreas, editor.
Ruby, Ilka, editor.
Ruby, Ilka editor.
Ruby, Andreas editor.
Something Fantastic (Firm)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 295168
Cote: BIB 241243
Statut: Disponible


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