Embodied energy and design : making architecture between metrics and narratives / edited by David Benjamin.
Titre et auteur:

Embodied energy and design : making architecture between metrics and narratives / edited by David Benjamin.


New York, NY : Columbia University GSAPP ; Zürich, Switzerland : Lars Müller Publishers, [2017]


231 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), maps (chiefly color) ; 30 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Embodied energy and the promise of convergence / Amale Andraos -- Embodied energy and design / David Benjamin -- Drawing embodied energy / David Benjamin -- Embodied energy visualizations -- Three material stories / Lindsey Wikstrom -- Material stories : Concrete : Limestone quarry; Cement silo; Foundation; Structure ; Steel : Iron ore; Steel former; Container ship; Steel yard; Structure ; Wood : Forest; Sawmill; Retail; Balloon frame -- Location of matter and energy : Location: attributional, contingent, phenomenal / Michelle Addington ; Energy publics: five embodied worlds / Mason White ; Unpacking the wall: three partial paradigms / Sheila Kennedy ; The Parthenon's disembodied energy / Jorge Otero-Pailos -- Duration of materials and buildings : Inventive matter: architecture for a third resource regime / Blaine Brownell -- Reservoir building: toward an idea of abundant pertinence / Dirk E. Hebel -- Use-full: embodied entropy in an architecture of moving parts / Forrest Meggers -- Energy design as governance / Jonathan Massey -- Quantitative and qualitative effects : Not-zero energy / Kiel Moe -- The future will be biofabricated / Eben Bayer -- Getting beyond energy: environmental impacts, building materials, and climate change / Stephanie Carlisle -- Recycled, reclaimed, waste, and rapidly renewable materials / Andrew Dent -- Qualifying the quantitative in the construction of built ecologies / Naomi Keena and Anna Dyson -- Afterword : Considering two episodes in the history of energy and its architectural embodiment / Daniel A. Barber -- Getting serious about embodied energy / James Surowiecki.
Library copy: selected for the Multidisciplinary Research Project on "Architecture and/for the Environment", 2017-2019, developed by the CCA with the generous support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

"Architecture is increasingly understood as a field of practice that is inextricably embedded in ecologies and energy systems, and yet embodied energy-the various forms of energy required to extract raw matter, to produce and transport building materials, and to assemble a given building-remains largely under-explored in its ramifications for both design and environment. As operational energy has declined as a proportion of buildings' total energy consumption, embodied energy has become an essential site for further speculation and innovation. Embodied Energy and Design: Making Architecture between Metrics and Narratives asks questions about the varying scales, methods of analysis, and opportunities through which we might reconsider the making of architecture in the context of global flows of energy and resources"-- Provided by publisher.


9783037785256 (paperback)
303778525X (paperback)


Sustainable architecture.
Architecture durable.
ARCHITECTURE Sustainability & Green Design.
ARCHITECTURE Methods & Materials.

Vedettes secondaires:

Benjamin, David N., editor.
Benjamin, David N. editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 300523
Cote: BIB 246724
Statut: Disponible


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