Cultivated building materials : industrialized natural resources for architecture and construction / [edited by] Dirk E. Hebel, Felix Heisel.
Titre et auteur:

Cultivated building materials : industrialized natural resources for architecture and construction / [edited by] Dirk E. Hebel, Felix Heisel.


Basel ; Boston : Birkhäuser, [2017]


184 pages ; 29 cm

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
[I.] Challenges, strategies, and goals : Introduction : Cultivated building materials / Dirk E. Hebel and Felix Heisel -- Production back to the city: manufacturing and the new urban economy / Dieter Läpple -- The ape of materials: Gottfried Semper's system and the fascination with elasticity / Ákos Moravánszky -- The industrialization of timber: a case study / Nikita Aigner and Philipp Müller -- Standardization of a natural resource: the example of industrial earth building materials in Germany / Christof Ziegert and Jasmine Alia Blaschek -- [II.] Bamboo, a cultivated building material : Introduction / Dirk E. Hebel and Felix Heisel -- Constructing with engineered bamboo / Dirk E. Hebel, Felix Heisel, Aliresa Javadian, Philipp Müller, Simon Lee, Nikita Aigner, and Karsten Schlesier -- Upscaling the bamboo industry / Felix Böck -- The ecological impact of industrially cultivated bamboo / Peter Edwards and Yvonne Edwards-Widmer -- Engineered bamboo products: a sustainable choice? / Pablo van der Lugt -- [III.] From cultivated materials to building products : Soil-dependent products: Agriculture : Wood foam / Frauke Bunzel and Nina Ritter -- Biopolymers: cement replacement / Leon van Paassen and Yask Kulshreshtha -- Biopolymers and biocomposites based on agricultural residues / Hanaa Dahy and Jan Knippers -- Lignin-based carbon fibres / Peter Axegård -- Nutrient-dependent, soil-independent products: Biotechnology : Fungal mycelium bio-materials / Phil Ross -- Limestone-producing bacteria: self-healing concrete / Henk M. Jonkers -- Microbially induced calcium carbonate: multilayer/multimaterial coatings on non-conductive materials / Filipe Natalio -- Bio-inspired products: Biomimicry -- Replicating natural design strategies in bio-inspired composites / Davide Carnelli and André R. Studart -- Living Architecture (Liar): metabolically engineered building units / Rachel Armstrong, Andrew Adamatsky, Gary S. Caldwell, Simone Ferracina, Ioannis Ieropoulos, Gimi Rimbu, José Luis García, Juan Nogales, Barbara Imhof, Davide de Lucrezia, Neil Phillips, and Martin M. Hanczyc.

The 21st century will face a radical paradigm change in how we produce construction materials - a shift towards cultivating, breeding, raising, farming, or growing future resources. The book presents innovative cultivated building materials, like cement grown by bacteria or bamboo fibers as reinforcement for concrete. The book aims to build a bridge from scientific research to product development and application.


9783035611069 hardcover acid-free paper
3035611068 hardcover acid-free paper
electronic book
9783035608823 (ePub ebook)


Reinforced concrete.
Composite-reinforced concrete.
Building materials.
Natural resources.
Bamboo construction.
Plant fibers as building materials.
Biological products.
Reinforced cement.
Béton armé.
Béton renforcé de composites.
Construction Matériaux.
Ressources naturelles.
Construction en bambou.
Fibres végétales (Matériaux de construction)
Produits biologiques.
Médicaments biologiques.
reinforced concrete.
building materials.
natural resources.
Natürlicher Baustoff
Building materials Technological innovations.

Vedettes secondaires:

Hebel, Dirk, editor.
Heisel, Felix, editor.
Stringer, Margot, translator.
Hebel, Dirk editor.
Heisel, Felix editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 296843
Cote: BIB 243162
Statut: Disponible


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