Octavia’s Orchard
Octavia’s Orchard
![](https://www.cca.qc.ca/actions/sites/default/files/imagecache/user-fullsize/Octavia's Orchard (What if projects).jpg)
For 15 weeks of summer, orchard trees were positioned in 35 galvanized bins projecting above them and greening a busy but otherwise drab commuter walkway. Visitor’s meander through the trees and workers make use of the bespoke benches to stop and rest in the sunshine and eat their lunch as children climb besides them.
The trees, wildflowers and benches are adopted by 4 growing groups on social housing estates across the city and after the 15 week installation find new homes. With the support of expert National Trust gardeners the newly adopted trees are planted in the ground and take route as a series of new orchards.
Similarly, the bins and woodchip are reused for other like-minded projects.
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