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This series documents exhibitions curated by Melvin Charney from 1965 to 2012, mainly in Canada, such as in Montréal, but also in the United States, in Belgium and in France. The series also documents many group exhibitions to which Melvin Charney participated, such as various edition of the Venice Biennale. This series includes correspondence, notes, proposals, photographic documentation showing the installations, promotional materials of the exhibitions and materials related to the publication of exhibition catalogues.
The series is arranged chronologically by year of exhibition. It also includes a sub-series (AP041.S3.SS14) regrouping the group exhibitions to which Melvin Charney has participated.
This series includes some material related to the press coverage of Melvin Charney's exhibitions and other group exhibitions. Some files containing press coverage documents related to more than one exhibition or other project by Melvin Charney are arranged under another sub-series (AP041.S5.SS01) to preserve the original order in which the document were acquired.
English, French, Japanese, Korean, Spanish
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