Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (archive creator)
Programmes and Publications
Dates de création
Niveau de description archivistique
39 photographic materials
9 reprographic copies
0.1 l.m. of textual records
Présentation du contenu
Sub-series documents the publications, lectures and projects created or participated in by the IAUS. Material was produced between 1971 and 1983.
Sub-series contains eight administrative files classified under the heading "Programmes and Publications," made up of various documents relating mainly to publications, and include correspondence, budgets, grant applications, typewritten manuscripts, etc.
Titre: D. Programmes and Publications: 1. Open plan
Dates de création: 1978-1980
Classification: documents textuels
Objets catalogués : 14
Personnes et institutions:
Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (archive creator)
Folder [untitled] - [moved from Lot 3 016] - Documents relating to the conference “Populism and Elitism in American Architecture Today” held on 26 September 1980; includes schedule, correspondence and budget - Memo from Patrick Pinnell about “Open Plan's successor programs” Folder Open Plan - [moved from Lot 3 016] - Documents relating to the conference “Populism and Elitism in American Architecture Today” held on 26 September 1980 - Budget sheets, schedule, various memos and notes - Text: PDE - “Instrinsic Architecture, Beyond Abstraction”; 27 April 1978
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
0.01 l.m. of textual records
Mention de crédit:
Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Eisenman Architects/
Gift of Eisenman Architects
Titre: D. Programmes and Publications, 1977-1982: 2. Exhibitions and Catalogues
Dates de création: 1973-1982
Classification: documents textuels
Objets catalogués : 22
Personnes et institutions:
Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (archive creator)
Minutes of the Exhibition Program meetings Budgets Exhibition Program Calendars Correspondence with curators, writers, Max Protetch Gallery, etc. October status report Newspaper clippings Correspondence with Skyline subscribers Contracts with Rizzoli International Publications, Inc. Grant Application to the NEA for Californian exhibition Folder : Austrian Wave ; correspondence with Austrian architects Unlabelled folder : correspondence relating to most exhibitions including budgets, grant application, schedules, newspaper clippings Folder containing personal correspondence to PDE, 1975-1976 Envelope containing typewritten texts relating to Philip Johnson's catalogue - Kenneth Frampton : AT&T Headquarters, New York - Kenneth Frampton : The Glass House Revisited - 9 pages of correspondence between Philip Johnson & J.J.P. Oud - Peter Eisenman : Acknowledgments - Philip Johnson : History, Genealogy, Historicism - 1 text by Giorgio Ciucci (no title) - Catalogue "Another Chance for Housing…", 1973.
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
0.01 l.m. of textual records
Mention de crédit:
Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Eisenman Architects/
Gift of Eisenman Architects
Sources complémentaires:
File ARCH153752 contains photographic material related to file ARCH153526.
Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (archive creator)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
0.01 l.m. of textual records
Mention de crédit:
Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Eisenman Architects/
Gift of Eisenman Architects
Tentative structures for periods of seminar meetings for the Annual Northeast Regional Conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture with annotations by Peter D. Eisenman
Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (archive creator)
Hans Hollein (architect)
Letter to Hans Hollein regarding Abteiberg Museum in Moenchen Gladbach, Germany project; includes museum plans and 9 photographs (views of interior and exterior)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
9 photographs
3 reprographic copies
0.01 l.m. textual records
Mention de crédit:
Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Eisenman Architects/
Gift of Eisenman Architects
Titre: Abteiberg Museum in Moenchen Gladbach, Germany by Hans Hollein
Dates de création: 1982
Classification: dessins, photographies
Objets catalogués : 0
Personnes et institutions:
Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (archive creator)
Hans Hollein (architect)
Views of plans, photographs of interior and exterior of the Abteiberg Museum in Moenchen Gladbach, Germany.
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
30 photographs, 6 reprographic copies
Technique et médium:
Gelatin silver prints, reprographic copies
Mention de crédit:
Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Eisenman Architects/
Gift of Eisenman Architects
Titre: D. Programmes and Publications, 1980-1982: 3. Skyline
Dates de création: 1978-1982
Classification: documents textuels
Objets catalogués : 60
Personnes et institutions:
Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (archive creator)
Correspondence with contributors and readers Newpaper clippings Memos and letters from Suzanne Stevens Transcript Peter Eisenman- Philip Johnson interview, 1/8/82 Documents relating to the dinner in honor of Ada Louis Huxtable, January 25 Atttorneys' advice on agreement with Rizzoli, Sept. 1, 1981 Letter of Agreement between IAUS and Suzanne Stevens, 8 June 1981 List of sponsors Bills relating to dinner in honor of sponsors, October 1981 Press releases Hand written notes from PDE on the content of Skyline Folder Skyline - PDE's income tax documents - Folder SKYLINE: sealed enveloppe addressed to Suzanne Stevens; drafts of Peter Eisenman- Philip Johnson interview; draft of the agreement between IAUS and Suzanne Stevens; list of potential content and contributors for Skyline issues of September, October, November & December [1981]; 2 drafts of Jonathan Barnett : "The Avant-Garde Position". Folder Skyline Letter/PDE - 29 April 1981: PDE's letters to Skyline sponsors Various documents documenting the crisis of 1980, including : - Sponsors's letters; - Subscribers' complaints, - The Thomas Bender affair; - Proposed budgets for FY81; - Andrew MacNair's resignation as editor, - Correspondence with Rizzoli; - Documents relating to the distribution of Skyline, - Skyline development report. Folder Skyline : - Document describing the objectives and situation of Skyline in early 1980 - Memo from PDE to the Trustees, 9 June - New editor search - Conditions from Andrew MacNair, Dec. 1979 - Expenditures - Several memos - Distribution reports - Austrian tour - p. 1, 2, 7, 8 of Skyline no 1, 1 April 1978 (mock-up)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
0.01 l.m. of textual records
Mention de crédit:
Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Eisenman Architects/
Gift of Eisenman Architects
Sources complémentaires:
Photographic material and textual documents in file AP057.S3.SS1.D2 also contain information relevant to file ARCH153530.
Letter from Thomas Bender to Margot Jacqz with attached copy of a letter from Thomas Bender to Armand Bartos dated March 25th 1980 and related documents
Titre: D. Programmes and Publications, 1978-1981: 4. Oppositions Magazine
Dates de création: 1974-1981
Classification: documents textuels
Objets catalogués : 25
Personnes et institutions:
Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (archive creator)
Letters to PDE Folder Oppositions Magazine : - Correspondence with MIT Press and Rizzoli about distribution - Schedule and financial status - Memos from Julia Bloomfield (1981) - Minutes and action list of editors meeting, March 20, 1981 - Daniel Libeskind's manuscript "Deus ex Machina…" - Manuscript of the translation of Riegl's "The Modern Cult of Monuments…"; fragment (pages 26-42) of edited text - Subscription count as of 10 December 1974 Loose documents: - Correspondence with MIT Press and Rizzoli - Memos from Julia Bloomfield (1978-1981) - William Ellis's manuscript : "Grave Complications" - Georges Teyssot's C.V. - Article project on "Gruppo 7" by Ellen Shapiro - Job description Managing Editor - Draft manuscript of article by PDE (no title) - Manuscript of Rosemarie Haag Bletter : "Opaque Transparency" - Manuscript of Anthony Vidler : "Postscript to Dal Co on Rossi" - Photocopy of "Manhattan: Capital of the XXth Century, 1969", Oppositions 4
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
0.01 l.m. of textual records
Mention de crédit:
Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Eisenman Architects/
Gift of Eisenman Architects
Sources complémentaires:
Textual documents in sub-file AP057.S3.SS1.D1.SD1 also contain information relevant to file ARCH153531.
Letter from Michael C. Lasky to Peter D. Eisenman with attached draft letter to Frank Urbanowski about agreement between IAUS and MIT Press to address the cumulative operating deficit for Oppositions Journal for 1977-1980 with annotations by Peter D. Eisenman
Letter from Michael C. Lasky to Frank Urbanowski about agreement between IAUS and MIT Press to address the cumulative operating deficit for Oppositions Journal for 1977-1980
Memorandum from Ann Reinke to Peter D. Eisenman, Julia Bloomfield, Frank Urbanowski and Mike Leonard about United States Postal Service revoking the not-for-profit second class permit for Oppositions Journal
Titre: D. Programmes and Publications, 1978-1981: 5. Oppositions Books
Dates de création: 1971-1983
Classification: documents textuels
Objets catalogués : 28
Personnes et institutions:
Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (archive creator)
Kenneth Frampton's proposal for an Oppositions Book, December 3, 1981 Manuscript by Vincent Scully on Aldo Rossi: "Postcript: The Life of Forms" Folder Oppositions Books : - Memos from Joan Ockman (1981) - Correspondence with MIT Press - Proposed draft of a letter to Roger Conover MIT Press - Publication schedule October 1981- October 1983 - Agenda & minutes of Oppositions Books Editorial Meeting (1981) - 2 MIT Press catalogue, Fall 1981 - Description of Colquhoun's and Rossi's book projects - Fund raising documents. Loose documents : - Letters from Espacio editora (Spain), Dec. 1980 - Agenda for Editors meeting, 25 Nov. 1980 & 24 Feb. 1981 - Letters by Lindsay Stamm Shapiro, Managing Editor - Budget of Rossi's book - Letters from the Graham Foundation, spring 1981 Folder Oppositions Books - Grant Applications : - Application Grant to the Graham Foundation, Dec. 15, 1980 Loose documents : - Agenda of Oppositions Books Editorial Meeting, 27 September 1980 - Correspondence of Lindsay Stamm Shapiro (Polano, Isozaki, etc. - Translation sample of Rossi's Scientific Autobiography Folder Oppositions Books : - Correspondence of Lindsay Stamm Shapiro (1979-1980) - Correspondence of PDE (Bill Hubbard, reproduction rights) - Anatole Senkevitch, translation of Moisei Ginzburg's book - Sample translation of Ginzburg's book - Photocopy of the Russian edition of Moisei Ginzburg's book - Letters of agreements - Correspondence with Kenner Printing Co. - Diane Ghirardo: translation bills (1971) - Prospective Series of Oppositions Books with budget MIT Press catalogue Fall 1979
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
0.01 l.m. of textual records
Mention de crédit:
Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Eisenman Architects/
Gift of Eisenman Architects
Letter from Wies van Moorsel to Lindsay Stamm Shapiro about rights to Theo van Doesburg's writing with handwritten note from Shapiro to Peter D. Eisenman
Memorandum from Joan Ockman to Peter D. Eisenman, Kenneth Frampton, Hamid R. Nouri, Lindsay Stamm Shapiro, and Roger Conover about printing of Scientific Autobiography by Aldo Rossi
Memorandum from Joan Ockman to Peter D. Eisenman, Kenneth Frampton and Hamid R. Nouri about Oppositions Books production schedule with attached minutes of editorial meeting of October 22nd, 1981
Titre: D. Programmes and Publications, 1977-1979: 6. October
Dates de création: 1977-1979
Classification: documents textuels
Objets catalogués : 7
Personnes et institutions:
Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (archive creator)
Folder October - Memos from Rosalind Krauss to Hamid Nouri or PDE - Letter of agreement with MIT Press, July 5 1978 - Series of bills
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
0.01 l.m. of textual records
Mode de classement:
In order to refelct the original filing structure of IAUS, documents concerning October remain in AP057.S1.SS5, but could have been placed in AP057.S3. SS1.D3
Mention de crédit:
Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Eisenman Architects/
Gift of Eisenman Architects
Memorandum from Frank Urbanowski to Rosalind Krauss and Peter D. Eisenman with attached draft agreement between IAUS and MIT Press for distribution of October with annotations by Peter D. Eisenman
Titre: D. Programs and Publications, 1981: 7. Young Architects Circle
Dates de création: 1981
Classification: documents textuels
Objets catalogués : 4
Personnes et institutions:
Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (archive creator)
Letters confirming contributions to the ReVisions Program, June 1981 Press release of Elizabeth Diller's "Cone Project" installed at Columbus Circle, June 25, 1981 Program of ReVisions 1981 Spring Competition 8 cards announcing the ReVisions series of conversation among architects 35 and under Young Architects Circle, Proposed budget, Spring 1981 Proposal : Young Architects Circle, 19 February 1981
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
0.01 l.m. of textual records
Mention de crédit:
Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Eisenman Architects/
Gift of Eisenman Architects
Titre: D. Programmes and Publications, 1980-1981: 8. Conference
Dates de création: 1980-1981
Classification: documents textuels
Objets catalogués : 4
Personnes et institutions:
Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (archive creator)
Proposals for the Architecture and Investment Conference (1980-1981) PDE's handwritten notes for a conference on architectural education (no date)
Quantité / Type d’objet:
1 File
0.01 l.m. of textual records
Mention de crédit:
Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies fonds
Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
Don de Eisenman Architects/
Gift of Eisenman Architects
Sources complémentaires:
Textual documents in sub-series AP057.S2.SS4 also contain information relevant to file ARCH153536.
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