Bairro Quinta do Bacalhau–Monte Coxo, Lisbon

Bairro Quinta do Bacalhau–Monte Coxo, Lisbon

Inclus dans

Personnes et institutions

  • Museu Serralves (archive creator)
  • Manuel Vicente (architect)


Bairro Quinta do Bacalhau–Monte Coxo, Lisbon

Dates de création

circa 1974

Niveau de description archivistique



  • 4 drawings (reproductions)

Présentation du contenu

This project series contains four reproductions of drawings displayed in the exhibit to document the neighbourhood Quinta do Bacalhau-Monte Coxo, in Lisbon, Portugal.

The exhibit text explained the following:

The project architect Manuel Vicente was already working on a design for the intervention in the Quintas de Bacalhau and Monte Coxo when he was co-opted by SAAL. The proposed typology referred to another ambitious urban project of 615 housing units, Quinta das Fonsecas - Quinta da Calçada neighbourhood by the architect Raúl Hestnes Ferreira. The intention was to bring the city to the outlying shanty town areas. None of these projects was carried out in full, and they are now fragmented and besieged by the traffic system without having produced any of the essential community and socialising facilities. In Bacalhau-Monte Coxo the structure of the internal patios reveals the ways in which the public space and community was organised. The architecture assigned importance to the facades, although access to the community courtyards was also a central design concept. In a 1976 interview, the architect himself argued that the release of bourgeois guilt allowed for spatial beauty, adopting the slogan 'Facades First' in defence of architectural design. In a way, this proposal anticipated the post-modern, although in a form that did not deny architecture's social engagement. The design emphasizes a strong idea of architectural autonomy, unfortunately only a part of the project was actually built. (The SAAL Process, Housing in Portugal 1974–76)

Manuel Vicente worked for SAAL/Lisbon and Central South with the following collaborators: Afonso José Baptista, Agostinho Xavier de Andrade, António Albano Leitão, Cristina Catela Martins Pereira, Eduardo Serrano de Sousa, Gentil Noras, José Manuel Diniz Cabral Caldeira, Manuel Augusto Lopes de Sousa, Nuno Matos Silva, Rita Cabral and the resident association Cooperativa de Habitação Económica Portugal Novo, that was founded on September 6th, 1974. The team built 384 dwellings. The operation began in September 1974, with a construction date in January 1977.

This project series contains reproductions of design development drawings and a cadastral plan. The original drawings were produced in 1974 or after and were reproduced in 2015 for the exhibit.

Numéro de réference


Mode de classement

Materials in this project series were kept in their original order.


Lisbon Portugal

Langue et écriture des documents



  • Voir plus Fermer
    • Numéro de réference: CD034.S1.1974.PR01.001
    • Titre: Design development drawings and a cadastral plan, Bairro Quinta do Bacalhau–Monte Coxo, Lisbon, Portugal
    • Dates de création: circa 1974
    • Classification: dessins
    • Objets catalogués : 0

    Personnes et institutions:

    • Museu Serralves (archive creator)

    Quantité / Type d’objet:

    1 File

    Étape et objectif:

    • design development drawing


    • 4 drawings (reproductions)


    sheets: 60,4 × 85,5 cm (23 3/4 × 33 11/16 in.)


    Lisbon Portugal

    Mention de crédit:

    Collection Centre Canadien d'Architecture/
    Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal;
    Don de Museu Serralves/
    Gift of Museu Serralves


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